Je, mientras no me traten de loca y me digan que me relaje y me apunte a aerobic ya me daré por satisfecha.


Weight Loss Challenge Day 1: 20-Minute Cardio Workout 🔥 Day 1: We're beginning with a simpleton yet powerful 20-minute aerobic physical exertion to get your heart pumping and your metabolism revved up. Don't fear in case you're a novice; we've included modifications to beseem all health ranges.


I've been teaching respiration to Y8 over the last few weeks (I see them once a week). One challenge is getting them to understand how the different areas we study are connected. So, starting with the equation for aerobic respiration, we made the attached. We'll see if it worked.


I spend 40 minutes on the Schwinn Aerodyne stationary bike with elliptical arms at the gym. The bike pedals drive a big fan for resistance, and the elliptical arms can drive the fan even faster for total body exercise. It is incredibly aerobic and incredibly boring. I took this selfie in the window.

A selfie of me in the gym window.

The effects of aerobic exercise and transcranial direct current stimulation on cognitive function in older adults with and without cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev 2022 2/5


Well, Labs sure don't! But itty-bitty dogs usually can't walk as far as a human does, so I can see the point in having some sort of carrier if the human wants a really good aerobic walk. What's dumb is treating a living being as some kind of fashion accessory.

Small sad dog says, "my ancestors worked in packs to bring down bison. I'm an old lady's lapdog."

Large wise dog says, "You protect a member of your pack from loneliness and the cold. Your ancestors would be proud."
copyright Drawings for Dogs

with a pronounced shift in the oral microbiota from one consisting primarily of Gram-positive aerobic bacteria to one predominated by Gram-negative anaerobes, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis .A summarize recent data that support the relationship bw vesicles secreted by P pathogens to AD pathology.


what level of tired is everyone operating in? like i'm tired all the time but i still lift heavy shit 3x a week and i still get aerobic exercise 3x a week. i'm complaining and bitching the whole time but i still do it. and i still have energy to skeet about a Free Palestine and d**th to america


This week is killing me. Still, this morning I managed a bit over my usual 10K albeit at a slower overall pace; I did some sprintervals and some tempo and some recovery, just a mixed bag of whatever. This weekend we're doing a watch party of the 2004 Phantom of the Opera musical in my server though.

Jala smiling and flashing a v for victory
A good session impacting aerobic and anaerobic fitness