“Even to the Depths of Hell” Art by me for the twelfth chapter of “Shadow of the Black Tower”, my story of heroics, horror, swords, and sorcery running serialized in #SciFanSat

A sword and sorcery fantasy illustration of a determined, exhausted man crawling his way through a tight and dark stone passage.

Martel flies/drives the Dunbar LeRoy gravcar which is the equivalent of the Buick LeSabre: #amwritingfiction#amwritingscifi#scifinoir


An excerpt from Ronin of Vine Street between the detective and his client: #amwritingscifi#scifinoir


Here's a link to the first chapter (WIP) of The Ronin of Vine Street featuring Thomas Martel P.I. whmitchell.imperiumo...#amwritingscifi#scifinoir#wip


Sat down & wrote about 1k words this past hour & a half. Still going! It's been a while since I've been able to sit & write that much in one day, let alone in a sitting. Guess I'm getting better. Now if only I could draw on command... #Writingcommunity#AmWriting#AmWritingSciFi#AmWritingHorror


“Surviving Safe with 3-Laws TED” Art by me for the upcoming #SciFanSat

An illustration of a very young and sullen girl lost in autumn woods at night with her robot teddy bear. The toy is as cheerful as she is gloomy, lighting up the area where they sit beside a tree with a heart on his tummy screen.

While Pirates of Andromeda is with the beta readers, I finished writing chapter two of Ronin of Vine Street. I proofread it this morning, but I wasn't happy with the dialog so I'll go over it some more. #amwritingscifi#scifinoir