Just like "Shark Week", today is Autumn Mushrooms in My Backyard Day. Not knowing their variety other than Fungi, I am naming them. This one is named Mitosis. "Mushrooms were the roses in the garden of that unseen world, because the real mushroom plant was underground."

A white round mushroom is spawning another copy of itself, like the mitosis process in a cell.

Just like "Shark Week", today is Autumn Mushrooms in My Backyard Day. Not knowing their variety other than Fungi, I'm naming them. This one is Chocolate Chip. "Mushrooms are miniature, magical pharmaceutical factories."

This wild mushroom, emerging in the lawn looks like a cookie with small chocolate chips.

Just like "Shark Week", today is Autumn Mushrooms in My Backyard Day. Not knowing their variety other than Fungi, I am naming them. This one is Dorito (previous post) but the view is when she lifts her skirts. Wild mushrooms are nature's gift to the curious and cautious alike."

This is the underside of the wild mushroom in the previous post. It is quite bulky underneath and looks like a satellite dish.

Just like "Shark Week", today is Autumn Mushrooms in My Backyard Day. Not knowing their variety other than Fungi, I am naming them. This one is Dorito. "Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom." – Thomas Carlyle

A funny looking gold concave mushroom with upraised edges and a whitish thing in the bottom of the "bowl".

A partially leucistic White-crowned Sparrow sitting in my redbud back in May when it was in bloom #sparrows#Bobsbackyard#Ancaster#HamOnt#birds#birding#birdphotography

A sparrow facing me on branches of my backyard redbud, with a few pink petals in the foreground, and dark green spruce tree behind it. It has a white and black striped crown, and all gray underparts, however, it has aberrant white plumage on its throat, making it partially leucistic.

You know you live in Australia when all these photos were taken in your house in the suburbs.

Blue Tongue lizard at my front door.
Water Dragon in my backyard.
An Echidna of all things, also in my backyard.
A big, big spider that was probably pregnant. Which would explain all the juvenile Huntmen I saw in the following months.

“Vote no on 3 because ‘Big Weed’ wrote it and you’re not going to be able to just grow it in your backyard” is an interesting ad strategy.


Enjoying a windfall apple from the tree in my backyard on a crisp autumn walk into the office.


If anyone needs somewhere for long range target practice...I have a perfect view of the entirety of Hillside from my backyard deck... #justsaying


We also had an Australian bat show up in someone’s backyard in Blenheim recently!