Everyone loves the idea of a benevolent central planning authority but no one can actually point to history where that has happened and a society was better off for it. Robert Moses and New York State/City/Long Island 8:the canonical example of why it doesn’t work. It’s a fairy tale.


Thankfully, the Whammy seems a lot more benevolent than a mummy bite

“Something else I need to tell you,” Nell said. “If anyone does show up, check the back of their neck for a scar. They have–“ She bit her lip. Don’t you fucking say it, you big green bastard. “They can put something back there that lets them control you.” There. No ice down the back of her neck, no booming alien voice in her head. “So, anyone who shows up out of nowhere, you check them.”

“This is starting to sound like some bad horror movie cooked up by an algorithm,” Deakin muttered after a moment’s silence.

“Yeah, but it’s real,” Nell said, “so we have to deal with it. And step one is not doing the stupid thing like the idiots in those movies always do, like letting the guy with the mummy bite into their shelter.”

“Fair enough,” Deakin admitted. “You want to ride with us? There’ll be room at our hideout.”

Honestly Deb Haaland needs to be Benevolent Sec'y of Interior For Life


It's Indigenous Peoples Day, I made a post as your friendly social media manager. Oh god the Columbus stans. Oh god the benevolent racists.


I didn’t explore the detail with her (you just nod and make sympathetic noises in those circumstances don’t you?). I’ll ask the branch chair or secretary to follow up though. We have a good benevolent fund in the Fellowship which not enough people access.


basically though we need guido van rossum and DHH to go against matt mullenweg in a caged match with a steel chair in the ultimate battle to prove who truly is the best "benevolent dictator for life"


It’s breathtaking to consider the damage that could be done if a few of the open-source ‘benevolent dictator for life’ guys go nuts. I understand the perks of the system, but it’s got some glaring flaws that should not be explored.


I could have really have dunked on you there you know but I am kind and benevolent


Finally recovered on Unrealfest and spending 95% of my time finishing up the open world for Project Titan; terrain sculpting, PCG, layout and propwork for the most part. It’s like being a benevolent god moonlighting as a production designer and is oddly relaxing to do.


"Is nature a peaceable kingdom or red in tooth & claw?" Among 165 undergraduates,