Between 2010 and 2019, over half of courts permanently closed. Backlog started, made worse by the pandemic n today's courts, many in disrepair. This is just another example of the UK in chronic decline. Can the decline ever be reversed. Our current polity gives me no hope.


So it seems I was probably babying my back too much. Talked to another volunteer who has chronic really awful spine issues & from her figured out I should try to move & use it more. Doing much better & I feel just a little bit like a (grateful) idiot. Still have appt Mon since I do have numbness


panic attacks on shift (coincidentally, both times on the second day of training lol). I literally, medically, cannot handle most standard 9-to-5 jobs- my brain is simply not wired for it (as my condition is *both* the result of trauma and an inherent, chronic 'born this way' sort of deal).


For details, please refer to Emma’s post. Thanks for your great initiative! 🙌🏻 @GovCanHealth @CPHO_Canada


1) That respiratory protection (FFP2/FFP3/N95/N99) be made mandatory in healthcare and social care, just as hand hygiene is today, to ensure patient safety for all.

2) That schools and other public buildings are guaranteed the same high standard of air quality that members of parliament have arranged for themselves with tax money.

3) That COVID-19 vaccines be made fully available to all age groups for whom the vaccines are approved.

4) Adequate care and biomedical research for Long COVID, ME/CFS, and other infection-associated chronic conditions.

5) Honest, scientifically sound public education about the risks of infection and how best to protect each other.

If you want this too, you can help boost or join the demonstration by quote-tweeting (photo is of course optional!) and tagging #CallForPublicHealthAction

Everyday is like Groundhog day for me. Chronic pain is real


But also recognising where attendance is legitimately low. Receiving an email asking my son to attend sessions to improve his motivation re. attendance isn’t going to help his chronic auto-immune condition, and was quite frankly insulting. No effort to support with online learning either. 1/2


Turns out 20 years of chronic sepsis plus two leg amputations can really fuck up a body.

a man with a mustache is laying on a couch and says screaming
a man with a mustache is laying on a couch and says screaming

ALT: a man with a mustache is laying on a couch and says screaming