Microsoft tried to tune it to the consumer user experience: So like comparing cities where you may want to move, or schools to send your child. The example is planning a big family reunion.


That conceptionā€”voter as consumerā€”has convinced some that withholding their vote is a power move, that not doing something is doing something.

a cartoon drawing of a hand holding a piece of paper that says to-dolist nothing
a cartoon drawing of a hand holding a piece of paper that says to-dolist nothing

ALT: a cartoon drawing of a hand holding a piece of paper that says to-dolist nothing


Yet another example of how social media moderation fails when companies put investors' profits ahead of consumer safety. šŸ˜“


Anyone taking their biz to TX needs to ask themselves why. Is it the shitty, exploitative labor laws? The lack of comprehensive regulation for consumer safety? And then look at how it will directly kneecap their business. Corporations love bad legislation until it comes fill circle like this.


Relevant excerpt. The December 2021 White House brief states in part: "The November Consumer Price Index data released this morning demonstrates that meat prices are still the single largest contributor to the rising cost of food people consume at home"

Three members of the White Houseā€™s National Economic Council had recently published a political brief pinning some of the blame for rapidly rising inflation on the meat industry, citing statistics showing that price increases for beef, pork and poultry accounted for half of the uptick in familiesā€™ grocery expenditures since December 2020. The brief noted that the companiesā€™ profits were up. They didnā€™t explicitly use the term ā€œgreedflation,ā€ but the concept is exactly what the authors described. ā€œThe dynamic of a hyper-consolidated pinch point in the supply chain raises real questions about pandemic profiteering,ā€ they wrote.

Better OPP than OCP!

Logo of OCP, Omni Consumer Products, the conglomerate from the Robocop films.

@Reuters: Pakistan's annual consumer price inflation slows to 6.9% in September


Iā€™ll change the title to ā€œā€¦Next generation of consumer computingā€¦ā€ Iā€™m surprised no one got mad. Perks of having just 15-20 readers lol


Reading the Thomson Reuters v. ROSS opinion, which dismissed Ross's antitrust counterclaims and... This is not true? Weren't digests (the search tools of the day) sold separately from reporters? #lawlibrarians

The idea behind historical market analogues is that they are evidence of consumer
preferences from a time when the markets were competitive. See Areeda &
Hovenkamp Ā¶ 1744c2. But the analogy to books suffers from two flaws. First, Ross is
wrong that books were sold without search tools. True, books were sold without
Westlawā€™s current technological capacity. But if we can analogize online legal data-
bases to printed legal databases, we can also analogize online search tools to printed
search tools: tables of contents, indices, and page numbers. So its database was not
sold unbundled from search tools.

This isnā€™t a defence of the practice of using subscriptions for consumer-hostile purposes, companies can drink that cup themselves. Instead, it should remind everyone not to feel guilty for breaking those kinds of chains when companies demand we wear them. We paid for it. Gatekeeping isnā€™t valuable.