I can't get over the suspicion that it's that white masculine-coded violent crusading that is the draw for these guys and the actual ideological and moral ends just seem way too fungible to me. I feel similarly about a certain kind of white leftist fetishization of figures like Che.


…and make a story that tackles xenophobia, Othering, Orientalism, and fetishization, and who could do it all in a way that a) wasn't ham-fisted, and b) was actually by turns poignant, horrific, affecting, and genuinely funny. Just… Goddam I miss Terry Pratchett.


Omg this reminds me of the multiple times someone gets called out for fetishization and then tries to pull an uno reverse that doesn't actually contend with the criticism


But fetishization is a real problem and it's understandable folks want nothing to do with it, I may disagree with cutting off all folks who use the terms (especially self-referentially) but like. I'm not going to tell someone else what they should tolerate when it comes to fetish and porn terms.


that cuts off so many trans and questioning folks just for exploring and expressing their identities. But I do recognize that fetishization is a problem. Although I think a not insignificant amount of those "cis" people drawn to trans & intersex bodies are potentially trans & intersex themselves.


the media’s fetishization of centrism and stubborn insistence that “the average American” is undecided and willing to listen to both sides is possibly the single biggest issue in American politics (aside from the politicians themselves I guess)


Ok but what if I recognize the horrifying effects that arise from the crossover of discrimination and fetishization and refuse to call you that but I still want you to ram your fist so far down my throat you'll punch my intestines out my ass?


Aware as well that "activism" needs to be translated into elections and candidates willing to promote the issues they care about. It is a long haul. I'm not going to criticize the young for being young. But in the end, the fetishization of protest has done the left few favors. Elections matter.


The rich monopolise productivity increases and marginalise everyone else. The low hanging fruit of climate goals lay in removing the economic inequalities and inefficiencies created by our fetishization of work for work's sake.