Abbie. Dark Order. House Of Black. Hell maybe that's when Copeland shows up with Gangrel again to ruin Christians night


#drawing yesterday had issues but got me thinking about stuff to study.

Three vampires; a hunter/gangrel type, a woman in diaphanous clothes, and a dude straight up dressed as a napoleonic hussar

Would be perfectly at home in that Assassins-Creed-but-you're-a-Vampire thing I had in a must-pitch folder. Like that classic Bradstreet Gangrel illo, getting ready to spring down from the rooftop to feed on a vessel below.

Tim Bradstreet illustration of Clan Gangrel, showing a Gangrel vampire at the edge of a rooftop observing something out-of-scene happening below.

Oh and although ghouls can survive independently of vampires, they can’t themselves create new ghouls, or blood bond anyone/anything. Only vampires can create ghouls, and they almost *never* do so intentionally (with certain exceptions, mainly amongst the nosferatu, gangrel, tzimisce, and tremere).


I played an ancient viking gangrel (with an *absurd* accent) who had been in torpor for the past millennium and got woken up in Fairbanks, which is almost my origin story.


I played a Gangrel who shifted into a cockroach and that’s my origin story


A Don é um antediluviano, ta bom, mas e as questões importantes? Ela suporta a Camarilla? O ID de fim de season vem com Celerity ou Potence? O Gregor conta como Gangrel? Collab da WoD com Limbus quando?


Quinta. O Gangrel foi tomado pela raiva, alimentou a Besta e se entregou às graças do Proteanismo. Coisas foram jogadas e quebradas. Ele se feriu e sentiu, mas não se importou realmente. Dói e ele precisa se recolher. No mais, não pergunte o que aconteceu no Monte Calvo.

Mussorgsky - Night on Bald Mountain
Mussorgsky - Night on Bald Mountain

YouTube video by The Wicked North


Quarta. Sinto dor, sinto raiva, mas não tenho forças para externar isso num só rompante. Pathétique. Então, os sentimentos vazam aos poucos pelas mãos tremendo, as pernas inquietas e as oscilações de humor. Um Gangrel entre os dois mundos. Allegro non troppo.

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74 "Pathétique" - I. Adagio – Allegro non troppo
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74 "Pathétique" - I. Adagio – Allegro non troppo

YouTube video by Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra - Topic


Day 8 #MonthofDarkness: My bias is showing, but it's definitely Sacca (SamusxBecca). Becca was supposed to be the standoff-ish Gangrel no one likes, but somehow the loner finds common ground and throws himself in danger for her every chance XD too many fanfics were made...