Work is making me travel internationally, so I'll do another thread with things I learn and see while immunocompromised, masked, and using crutches. Changes from last time: I have a lot more masks to give away. I have a holder for my mini HEPA and hope to aim it at my face during the border check.


Hallo Andrea Böhnke aus dem "Gesundheitsressort" der ZEIT. 1) Es grassiert keine"ErkĂ€ltung" sondern seit JAHREN mit höchster PrĂ€valenz COVID-19. 2) Honig, Vitamin D, Luft anhalten sind keine seriösen Maßnahmen gegen COVID. Aber Hepa-Filter, Masken und eine Schutzimpfung.

ErkÀltungen: Wie sich einer ErkÀltung vorbeugen lÀsst
ErkÀltungen: Wie sich einer ErkÀltung vorbeugen lÀsst

Honig, Vitamin D oder Luft anhalten, wenn jemand hustet: Was kann ich tun, um in diesem Winter nicht krank zu werden? Elf Antworten aus der Wissenschaft


If our schools were designed like our cars or planes, they would be equipped with HEPA air purifiers. This would limit the effects of air pollution and airborne contamination. In 2024, this is not the case, with a very few exceptions.


Air Quality Alert issued October 12 at 1:41AM PDT by NWS Medford OR Additional Details Here.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has issued an Air
Pollution effect until noon PDT Tuesday.

The advisory is in effect for Klamath County. This includes Crater
Lake, Chemult, Crescent, Chiloquin, Klamath Falls, Sprague River,
Beatty, and Bly.

Wildfires burning in the region combined with forecast conditions
will cause air quality levels to fluctuate and could be at unhealthy

Smoke levels can change rapidly depending on the weather. People at
risk include infants and young children, people with heart or lung
disease, older adults and pregnant people.

People can take the following precautions to protect their health:

- Follow local burn restrictions to prevent deteriorating air quality.
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activity during periods of poor air quality.
- People with heart or lung problems and young children are
especially vulnerable. These people should stay indoors while smoke
levels are high.
- Use certified High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters in
indoor heating, ventilation, cooling and air purification systems.
- Avoid using wood-burning stoves and other sources of indoor smoke
if possible.

For additional information...please visit the web site at

bought a "broken" older dyson for nothing, emptied all the catches (full of nails and rocks) and cleaned the filthy hepa filter and now it works perfectly


*TODAY'S* Covid test is negative. But since I am not feeling well, I shan't be dressing like this for the Thorns game because I don't want to share my ick. (not pictured, the handheld HEPA filter that hangs around my neck)

Me last Saturday on the MAX train wearing a black KN95 and my Thorns pride scarf.

feeling frustrated and demoralized because i spent a significant chunk of time researching and finding a decent hepa filter box for the correct amount of square footage in the lowest decibel range these things have, and my dad still almost immediately turned it down because it was too loud for him


Les Ă©coles n’ont pas besoin d’ĂȘtre spĂ©cialisĂ©es en science pour assainir l’air; seule la volontĂ© suffit. Nous avons les outils, pourquoi ne sont-ils pas utilisĂ©s? #TestDel’AirSain#AirSain#HEPA#CubesCR#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

un graphique avec le texte:
Assinir l'air 101
La covid se transmet par aĂ©rosols, ce qui signifie qu'une personne peut ĂȘtre infectĂ©e simplement en respirant de l'air contamine. Assainir l'air n'est pas seulement possible sur le plan thĂ©orique, c'est une action qui peut ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©e par les Ă©coles de aujourd'hui.
un graphique avec le texte:
La ventilation Une ventilation mĂ©canique moderne et efficace peut aider Ă  rĂ©duire la prĂ©valence de la covid dans l'air, mais un geste aussi simple que l'ouverture d'une fenĂȘtre peut Ă©galement aider.
un graphique avec le texte : 
La filtration
Un systÚme de filtration CVA de haute qualité, des cubes Corsi-Rosenthal et des purificateurs d'air portatifs a filtre HEPA sont reconnus pour assainir l'air et réduire les infections.

Schools don’t need to be scientists to clean the air - they just need the will. We have the tools, why aren’t we using them? #BackToSchool#COVID#SafeAirTest#CleanAir#HEPA#CRBox#BCEd#AbEd#SKEd#MbED#ONed#EduQc#NBed#NSed#PEIed#NFLDed#NWTed#YKed#Nunavuted

A graphic with the text: 
Cleaning the Air 101
Covid is airborne - which means you get infected by simply breathing contaminated air. Cleaning the air isn't just theoretically possible, it's something schools can do today.
A graphic with the text: 
Modern and efficient mechanical ventilation can help reduce the prevalence of COVID in the air - but even just opening a window can help.
A graphic with the text:
High-quality HVAC filtration, "Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes" and portable HEPA filter purifiers are proven to clean the air and reduce infections.

Air Quality Alert issued October 11 at 11:48AM PDT by NWS Medford OR Additional Details Here.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has issued an Air
Pollution effect until noon PDT Tuesday.

The advisory is in effect for Klamath County. This includes Crater
Lake, Chemult, Crescent, Chiloquin, Klamath Falls, Sprague River,
Beatty, and Bly.

Wildfires burning in the region combined with forecast conditions
will cause air quality levels to fluctuate and could be at unhealthy

Smoke levels can change rapidly depending on the weather. People at
risk include infants and young children, people with heart or lung
disease, older adults and pregnant people.

People can take the following precautions to protect their health:

- Follow local burn restrictions to prevent deteriorating air quality.
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activity during periods of poor air quality.
- People with heart or lung problems and young children are
especially vulnerable. These people should stay indoors while smoke
levels are high.
- Use certified High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters in
indoor heating, ventilation, cooling and air purification systems.
- Avoid using wood-burning stoves and other sources of indoor smoke
if possible.

For additional information...please visit the web site at