Yes! (Until I read the Statistica thing, I had assumed that CCS was a white elephant technology completely unprioritised/unreferenced by IPCC.)


Not at all my area of expertise, but if the IPCC suggests large scale CCS will be needed, isn't investment in it (in parallel with eg heat pumps) necessary? (Or is this summary suspect?


...Recalling something said by IPCC author & climate scientist Stephen Schneider in 1989:

Quote by Stephen Schneider from 1989 saying ‘On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but – which means that we must include all doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well.’

...catastrophic impacts this could bring; and the lukewarm political response the IPCC AR6 report received when it was released, suggesting that little additional action would be taken. We know that many others also share these worries, including scientists working in other...


Surprisingly, we received lots of pushback from many of our scientist colleagues, even several IPCC co-authors. We were called out for being alarmist and doomist - and accused of being directly responsible for paralyzing people into inaction, feeling that it was too late or...


In May this year, The Guardian published a series of articles based on a survey on how worried IPCC authors were about climate change. Shobha, Gretta and I were 3 of the authors who were also interviewed. All of us expressed worry and fear

‘Hopeless and broken’: why the world’s top climate scientists are in despair
‘Hopeless and broken’: why the world’s top climate scientists are in despair

Exclusive: Survey of hundreds of experts reveals harrowing picture of future, but they warn climate fight must not be abandoned


Hansen is only one among very many climate scientists. The majority, i.e. the IPCC AR6, see very few paths running warmer than 4-5C. However, what basically all agree on, is that the Paris goals should be strived for. It's more a matter of how to reach them. This is where meanings start to diverge.


It's not so different considering it's the same capture tech, and also the dominant form in IPCC scenarios, as stated, but thanks for the clarification