🩺 Blood cancers: Expert explains what you need to know 🩺 Note: “blood cancers are far more common than you might think: One person in the United States is diagnosed with a blood cancer, including leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma, every three minutes.”

Blood cancers: Expert explains what you need to know
Blood cancers: Expert explains what you need to know

Blood cancer is not a diagnosis anyone wants to receive, but understanding the different types of this disease and how best to catch them early is essential, one expert says.

0 is one of the reasons I'm here today. She introduced me to the idea of mutual aid a few years ago and did immense work for the community despite and in spite of her own struggles with leukemia and long COVID She has my eternal thanks Rest in Power, beautiful angel. You deserve it.


Alone in the theater with and two of our friends, watching Knives Out. It was like a showing in our living room with chatter and commentary. One friend soon after learned his leukemia was back and died about a year later, so this is one of my favorite memories of him.


When it first came out, evangelicals decided it was a permission slip to have sex (which it isn’t!) and they went hard against it, making up some truly horrific stories like it caused cancer (leukemia, mostly) or that it made their child gay/trans. And evangelicals love their rumor mills.


Our son's mother in law got shingles last year. She got a very late diagnosis. At first she was in a dermatology clinic until some bright spark realised what she had. Anti virals didn't help her anymore. She is still suffering over a year later. I think because she'd had leukemia it confused things.

0 Tracking levels of proteins in blood of leukemia patients receiving CAR-T treatment allows researchers to identify who will remain in remission as much as 8 years later. Link provides free access to paper.