October 5th 2024 marks the 6th year since American TV producer Terrence Woods "disappeared" while filming with a British TV company. Ultimately, there are no reasonable explanations for this disappearance – other than foul play. #blackproducers#blackfilmmakers#bullying#truecrime#mediabias

American Filmmaker "Disappears"​ while on set with British TV Company
American Filmmaker "Disappears"​ while on set with British TV Company

"Ultimately, there are no reasonable explanations for the disappearance of Terrence Woods – other than foul play."


Yeah, but Putin's cheque cleared, so it's go time. #MediaBias#debate


@washingtonpost to its readers: "No see, you don't understand, the truth is that you're all just idiots!" #wapo#MediaBias#MediaCoverage#media#MSM#journalism#JournalismMatters#broligarchs#EatTheRich

Screenshot of Washington Post website article. Headline: "Opinion | The media is ignoring the Trump threat! Well, except for all these stories." A red arrow added to the screenshot points to the top news story in the sidebar. Its headline reads: "Opinion | A sitting VP has won once in 188 years. Harris isn't likely to be next."

Bring back the Fairness Doctrine and dissolve the Monopolies #fairnessdoctrine#fakenews#mediabias#ronaldreagan#republicans#media


Privileged elites pat themselves on the back for "impartiality" while the climate crisis and social injustice rage on. Media accountability is a must for true progress! 🌍✊ #EcoSocialism#MediaBias#JusticeForAll