I love showing this to non-medievalists when they ask me whether medieval Irish uses the Latin alphabet. Like, yeah, sure, technically. But also... It's fun watching people try to guess what this says.

A heavily abbreviated word in a medieval manuscript.

(I assume all medievalists know and celebrate this Calvin & Hobbes)

Calvin mixing up futile and feudal

We medievalists have been huffing about these "1000-year" measures for years. And yes, they're increasingly meaningless. Dangerously so. has a good post about this, but it really is time for serious discussion betw. historians and scientists about this terminology.


Re: Device Felt well within the scope of all the weird seige stuff that got built in medieval china, but for non-medievalists it may seem like a stretch. I think they just needed a way to gut punch the troll in the action scene, just as it was at the wall and worked backwards from there


I made drastic changes to my Twitter feed when the pandemic hit for precisely the same reason. At the time (13 Mar 2020) I wrote about it on my blog (attached). I've kept to the same principle ever since, there and here. Also, I followed a lot of medievalists.

screen shot of blog post

Calling fellow medievalists: I'm currently transcribing this prayer to Saint Edmund, but I cannot make out the last word (or perhaps two words) of the second line, following 'propitiatus'. Suggestions are welcome, & will be acknowledged in due course. [BL MS Egerton MS 3776, f.160v]

A short prayer for the help of Saint Edmund written on a blank piece of parchment in a thirteenth-century manuscript.

July 2025, Leeds: a room full of medievalists get increasingly nervous as the clock ticks one minute past session start-time and still no sign of either the organiser or the moderator.