Cycling in decline, even on pre-pandemic levels, in a cost of living crisis with increased costs of running a car. The "war on the motorist" rhetoric results in more pollution, worse health, increased congestion, and lower safety. Via

Data shows continued decline in cycling levels as car traffi
Data shows continued decline in cycling levels as car traffi

Cycling traffic levels in England continue to fall while motor traffic levels have gone up, new statistics from the DfT reveal. Cycling traffic levels in Engla


Tabatabai, Saleh & Golfam, Arsalan (2024). Namādpardāzī āvāyī az manzar-i zabānshināsī shinākhtī [Sound symbolism: A cognitive linguistic perspective]. Tehran: Logos Publications. ISBN: 9786225613089

Sound symbolism has been known since Plato wrote in his Cratylus about conventionality and arbitrariness of nomenclature. However, the empirical research on sound symbolism began nearly a century ago. Since then, a variety of studies have been done, but no clear answers have yet been given to the questions that Edward Sapir, the American linguist, first posed about the nature of the phenomenon: Are either acoustic factors of sounds, or kinesthetic articulatory factors (or even a combination of both) involved in its occurrence? And if there is a combination of factors, which of them contributes to it more? The book aims for the first time to answer these key questions to make it clear which cognitive foundations the phenomenon may rely on.

JOSA B is a classy journal, but authors are still asked to suggest possible reviewers. This might explain how Khosravian et al managed to pack out their References section with honking great lists of bogus, paid-for citations.


Is that most publications or gaming "news" sites - like Kotaku and GameSpot - tend to give very glowing reviews to games whose publishers advertise with them. Now I for one definitely agree that this is an issue; it shows a clear bias and favoritism that's unprofessional for journalists. >>


Here's something to think about that I stole from someone lol

Suppose we started with a particular story about how child labor in Indonesia is contracted by multinational corporations at near- starvation wage levels. This information probably would not be car- ried in rightwing publications, but in 1996 it did appear-after decades of effort by some activists—in the centrist mainstream press. What if we then crossed a line and said that these exploitative employer-employee relations were backed by the full might of the Indonesian military government. Fewer media would carry this story but it still might get mentioned in an inside page of the New York Times or Washington Post.
Then suppose we crossed another line and said that these repres- sive arrangements would not prevail were it not for generous mili- tary aid from the United States, and that for almost thirty years the homicidal Indonesian military has been financed, armed, advised, and trained by the U.S. national security state. Such a story would be even more unlikely to appear in the liberal press but it is still issue- specific and safely without an overall class analysis, so it might well

make its way into left-liberal opinion publications like the Nation and the Progressive.
Now suppose we pointed out that the conditions found in Indonesia-the heartless economic exploitation, brutal military repression, and lavish U.S. support-exist in scores of other coun- tries. Suppose we then crossed that most serious line of all and instead of just deploring this fact we also asked why successive U.S. administrations involve themselves in such unsavory pursuits throughout the world. And what if then we tried to explain that the whole phenomenon is consistent with the U.S. dedication to making the world safe for the free market and the giant multinational cor- porations, and that the intended goals are (a) to maximize opportu- nities to accumulate wealth by depressing the wage levels of workers throughout the world and preventing them from organizing on behalf of their own interests, and (b) to protect the overall global sys- tem of free-market capital accumulation.
Then what if, from all this, we concluded that U.S. foreign policy is neither timid, as the conservatives say, nor foolish, as the liberals say, but is remarkably successful in rolling back just about all gov- ernments and social movements that attempt to serve popular needs rather than private corporate greed.
Such an analysis, hurriedly sketched here, would take some effort to lay out and would amount to a Marxist critique-a correct cri- tique of capitalist imperialism. Though Marxists are not the only ones that might arrive at it, it almost certainly would not be pub- lished anywhere except in a Marxist publication. We crossed too many lines. Because we tried to explain the particular situation (child labor) in terms of a larger set of social relations (corporate class power), our presentation would be rejected out of hand as "ide- ological."

A map of dentres of Old Georgian manuscript production and their ties in Gippert 2015, The Secondary Life of Old Georgian Manuscripts.