💙 I care about: Accessibility Overcoming social anxiety For lack of more elegant phrasing, social justice ❤️ I like: Cats Fish keeping Books #booksky 💙📚 (finally reading for fun again) Quilting, knitting, crafting Star Trek Columbo lol Language learning (Japanese, Korean, Spanish) YOU???

Watercolor drawing of a colorful fish. Reds and yellows with some color mixing into purple. The fish appears as it might in a fish encyclopedia. It is based loosely on a chili rasbora

my little shromps were very active this morning, so I tried to get some photos. The problem is they're tiny, so it's hard to photograph them. Here you are anyway, including a tank shot with my honey gourami vamping for the camera.

The substrate is red and rocky anf there's the top of a terracotta flowerpot int he background that is of a similar color. There is a small blue shrimp at the edge of the flowerpot.
A submerged and half-buried flowerpot containing alernathera leaves which are red on the bottom and green on the top. Thereis a small red shrimp near where the flowerpot is buried. This is a wider-focused version of the last photo.
The inside of a fish tank. There are some harlequin rasbora swimming at mid-level and a sunset honey gourami. Also visible are a white mystery snail, some tiny shrimp, plants including althernathera, bucephelandra and bacopa, as well as terra-cotta driftwood, a terra cotta humunculus and a terra cotta skull

I’ve had some success with egg spawners, including Cories! You may not be able to see it but in the image below are 6 Rasbora. I bought 5. This is my “nano” tank. I’m very happy with it right now.

A 10 gallon aquarium with a large piece of wood and lots of plants. There are 6 Raspbora fish and several small snails visible.

Fun Fact: The Galaxy Rasbora inhabits a very specific habitat type. They occur in small and very shallow pools at high altitudes, which depend on groundwater and run-off water from mountain streams and springs. #photoshop#heavypaint#digitalillustration#digitalartist#ajcho_design#art#pleinair


gm to my street scholars

aquarium with a dwarf mexican lobster staring at me from some cover
Same shot but with cherry shrimp zipping by, blurry
Some chili rasbora
More chili rasbora and a nerite snail around/in a feeding tray

6 harlequin rasbora added to the tank. Going to be beefing up the stock for the fall/winter!! #aquarium#fishtank


Everyone loves cat pics. I was thinking, maybe fish pics would be good too? The problem is, anytime I get near the tank, the greedy fellas cluster under the gap in the floating plants where they know I drop food, and that spot always gets the most glare.

The interior of an aquarium. There is red gravel, a small number of aquarium plants (mostly alternathera and bucephelanda) and terra cotta driftwood and a homunculus. There are some fish, harlequin rasbora to be precise, clustered in the top left, but barely visible because of external glare. Both pictures are very similar.
As stated in the other alt text, the pictures are very similar. I'm not going to make you listen to your screen reader say things twice. The angle is slightly different here and you can see a terracotta skull, but that's the only change.