Much quieter on the Severnside patch today in a return to south westerlies. Some Chaffinch, Redwing & Siskin movement early am, with c60 Knot over the estuary from Severn Beach. Barwits, Blackwits & Knot at New Passage, with 4 Water Rail in the Pilning wetland reedbed #ukbirding


Ah, found the post on Going Birding.

Screenshot from the Hampshire GoingBirding site. It is about a Great Skua on the river at Titchfield Haven. It says "first seen in front of the Suffern hide, attacking a coot & then tried dragging the coot into the reedbed. Then at 1324, a fox pops out of the reedbed, grabs the skua by its head & that was the end of that. I didn't find it, but it made for interesting entertainment during my lunch break!"

Bonxie v Fox came up in conversation at work today. A bizarre lunchtime encounter at Titchfield Haven 7 years ago! (Was working on site back then, monitoring the seawall work & disturbance). #HantsBirds#Ukbirding 🪶

Great Skua on a river on the edge of a reedbed. It has just caught a coot which is under water in this photo
Great Skua eating the coot. The skua is tucked into the reedbed
Fox has appeared from the reedbed and is holding the skua in its mouth. The skua was taken by surprise
Skua's wing is visible with the white flash as it tries to escape. Sadly we didn't see it again

Just found a yellow-browed warbler at Berryhill Fields at the sw corner of the reedbed pools in with a tit flock


Regarding the looked-like-a-Red Grouse, those REALLY shouldn't be this far south! Not sure what else it could have been though - rich reddish brown, no obvious markings, small head, skulking in low brush near a reedbed, grouse/partridge sized.


Fun morning out at @RSPB_Strumpshaw today - 37 species of birds including Bearded Reedling, Marsh Harrier, Bittern (yay!), and Great Spotted Woodpecker! Here have a Mute Swan, Ring-necked Pheasant, Water Deer, and Mallard. Also saw something that looked an AWFUL lot like a Red Grouse but... ?!

A Mute Swan swims in open water heading right to left. This large duck-like bird is pure white with a black face and orange bill. Because of the lighting the bird is a similar color to the water.
A male Ring-necked Pheasant stands in a field against some sedges. This large chicken-like bird has a long brown striped tail, a richly patterned body in shades of brown, red, and gray, a white ring around its neck, a green head, and a red face.
A Water Deer stands in a reedbed partly hidden behind some reeds. This small deer is brown overall with medium ears, black eyes, and a black nose, and is looking over its right shoulder.
A male Mallard duck swims in open water. This handsome duck has a gray body, orange legs, black and white tail with curved black tail feathers, a reddish chest, white neck ring, green head, and a yellow bill. A few drops of water are falling from the bill.

Pre-breakfast @RSPBTitchwell 2 Snow Buntings beach, 6 Whooper Swans west, 7 Spoonbills five flew east, 13 Cattle Egrets flew west from roost, 2 Great Egrets in reedbed. @RareBirdAlertUK


Went birding at RSPB Buckenham this morning, 38 species of birds plus Water Deer and a new fungus for me, Pleated Inkcap! Here are Mute Swans, a pair of Pink-footed Geese, a female Eurasian Kestrel, and a Grey Heron.

Four Mute Swans swim in water with reeds. These are large duck-like birds with long necks. The hindmost is an adult which is white with a black face and orange bill. The three in front are immatures with grayish brown bodies and faces and a pinkish bill.
Two Pink-footed Geese stand in a grassy field, somewhat obscured by grass in this low-resolution photo. These geese are medium sized duck-like birds with brown plumage and short pink and black bills.
A female Eurasian Kestrel hovers against open sky. This small falcon is brown with a streaked chest and barred wings and tail. She has a short sharp beak and is looking down at the ground.
A Grey Heron stands in grass against a reedbed. This tall bird has a long neck and legs and is grey overall with black streaks on the neck and a black eyebrow. It has a long orange-yellow bill.

That's the main reason I want to get one, particularly when looking for reedbed species, Snipe etc.


Reedbed is an important habitat for several species, but recording its presence is time-consuming, so a recent BTO study looked at using satellite imagery to map this habitat. Discover the results and read the full study➡️

Image of a Reed Bunting perched on a reed alongside the wording: New Study. Estimating the distribution of reed Phragmites australis in Britain demonstrates challenges of remotely sensing rare habitat types at large spatial scales. #BTOScience