Kind of like the Silvercorp buffoons who didn’t realize that special operations are enabled by an enormous logistics tail, air power, ISR, free-flowing taxpayer money, etc etc… and not enabled by just dudes who are good at land nav and clearing buildings.


The bill's author says only 5% of communities will result in a profitable conversion. But at least it is a step. Presumably in the future this could change due to higher methane prices or taxpayer dollars subsidizing?


Show me your budget and I'll show you your values.

How the U.S.Government Used Your Taxes Last Year 
In 2023, the average U.S. taxpayer contributed: 
$4,308 for Medicare and Medicaid. 
$5,109 for militarism and its support vs. systems, including the Pentagon and war, veterans' programs, deportations and border militarization, and spending 
on federal policing and prisons. $2,974 for the Pentagon, more than half of which went to corporate contractors $1,748 for Pentagon contractors such as Lockheed Martin ($249), Boeing ($87) and SpaceX ($12). $112 to militaries in other countries for weapons and military training $32.29 for federal prisons (your local taxes went towards state prisons) $110 for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol 
$346 for K-12 VS. education $516 for the SNAP program VS. $58 for "diplomacy" to VS. end & prevent wars $31.69 for substance use support & mental s. health programs $14 for wildfire VS. management 

I refuse to call anybody an elite. If they take taxpayer money for their salary they are an employee. Hollywood types are entertainers. Corporate types may be better off than us, but they're still human and not any type of elite. Stop calling them that it's going to their friggin heads


Reform scum Rupert Lowe is taking swipes at the progress flag. What’s quite nice is I’m seeing plenty of criticism towards him on FB. I can’t see the replies on Twitter as I’m not on there. As usual a TERF supporting him and claiming to be for LG people. You don’t speak for me, guys.

Rupert Lowe MFv @RupertLowe1ۥ 23h...
This flag should not be on display in hospitals, schools and other public sector institutions.
If private individuals wish to display their views, that's fine - but not when taxpayer money is involved.
Keep politics out of the public sector.
Stella Doves S
l @ @stella-3h ..
Interesting that this man has decided to call those that do not adhere to his gender identity ideology flag bigoted.
It is NOT bigoted to stand up for women's, Lesbian & Gay rights to single single sex spaces or to not want children told they can be born in the wrong body.

Oliver Ryan M&
@OliverRyanU • 15h
Reform? Bigoted?!
I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

Another Covid-era scandal: Excalibur Healthcare, awarded £160m in Covid contracts, collapsed into liquidation with £22m owed to taxpayer. Shady dealings, unpaid bills, & failed deliveries of PPE & ventilators expose Covid-era profiteering. Investigations by HMRC underway.


very kind of you :-) (but despite being a taxpayer since 1997, I'm only a permanent resident, unable to take up 🇦🇺 citizenship as I would lose citizenship to my birth country. so I do everything else I can!)


@business: Northvolt's tribulations are causing headaches far beyond its home base of Sweden, as taxpayer-supported EV battery projects face delays stretching from Germany to Canada


Oklahoma public school students may be forced to read “Trump Bibles”, as a means to funnel taxpayer dollars to Trump’s campaign.

'Trump Bible' one of few that meet Walters' criteria for Oklahoma classrooms
'Trump Bible' one of few that meet Walters' criteria for Oklahoma classrooms

Bibles endorsed by former President Donald Trump cost $60 each online, with Trump receiving fees for his endorsement.