I’m pleased to share that my new book, Sandhill Cities: Metropolitan Ambitions in Augusta, Columbus, and Macon, Georgia, is in press for fall 2025 publication in LSU Press’s Making the Modern South series edited by David Goldfield.

Title page text: SANDHILL CITIES: Metropolitan Ambitions in Augusta, Columbus, and Macon, Georgia; J. Mark Souther

List of Illustrations / x
Acknowledgments / x

Introduction / X
Chapter 1 	The Heart of Georgia / XX
Chapter 2 	The Winter Capital of America / XX
Chapter 3 	Metropolis of the Chattahoochee Valley / XX
Chapter 4 	Planning “The South’s Most Progressive City” / XX
Chapter 5 	What Augusta Builds, Builds Augusta / XXX
Chapter 6 	Building the Future from Our Past / XXX
Epilogue ~ Where Soul Lives / XXX

Notes / XXX
Bibliography / XXX 
Index / XXX

Paper was being present in European urban settings around 1800. A focus on the far right of the painting, almost hidden at the walls, shows a glued paper (likely announcements, advertisements, single-sheet prints). #PaperHistory#UrbanHistory. We are used to live with paper around us. 2/

Highlighted is a detail of the painting in the back: glued to a wall are single-sheet prints.

Good Morning from the #ifph2024#UrbanHistory#phd project on current actors on urban history.

Annika Häberlein in Front of a PPT with a slide showing main questions of her Research.

In the mid-19th century, British cities were rapidly expanding, but with growth came overcrowding, poor sanitation, and the spread of disease. Cholera, a deadly waterborne illness, became a recurrent nightmare, claiming thousands of lives. 💧 #UrbanHistory#PublicHealth


When you are looking into the destruction of an urban archive and you come across a letter from the great Henri Pirenne bemoaning the loss of said archive. This is meta #urbanhistory for you people… 🗃️

Picture of the handwritten signature of pioneering Belgian historian of cities, Henri Pirenne

Das Ende der Posthalterei: Zeitungsinserat dokumentiert wirtschaftliche und infrastrukturelle Konsequenzen eines sich radikal vollziehenden "Technologiewandels" durch den Bau der Rheinischen Eisenbahn, hier: Andernach, 1858. #mediastudies#urbanhistory#postalhistory

Zeitungsinserat: "Auf der Posthalterei zu Andernach stehen circa 12 gute, zu jedem Gebrauche geeignete Pferde, welche durch Einführung der Eisenbahn überzählig geworden, billig zu verkaufen. – Auch werden daselbst zwei ganz nach Vorschrift gebaute Posthalterei-Beiwagen, ein 4sitziger und ein 6sitziger, sowie zwei 12sitzige Omnibus und zwei mit Glas-Verdeck 4sitzige Chaisen zu ganz billigen Preisen abgegeben."