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Supreme Court Packer
Left politics, law, philosophy, history, etc.
64 followers748 following209 posts
Reposted by Supreme Court Packer

This is pure, uncut George Wallace ca. 1968.

Reposted by Supreme Court Packer

What Russian sanctions evasion looks like in chart form

Graph of German exports to Kyrgyzstan, which leapt up in March 2022, right after Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine.

Bluesky is growing exponentially after the Brazil fiasco and the removal of the block button over at the bad place. I think they’ve taken notice and want to ruin the fun. That or they also hate the old platform these days. Can’t blame em


If they seem to prioritize a fight, and shift the goal posts, and argue without any goal other disruption, an immediate block is the only effective deterrent here. These are just my opinions but I’ve been dealing with this myself recently and believe it to be far and away the best approach.


Some of these are undoubtedly real people driven by understandable grief. But mixed in are agitators and bad faith actors looking to steer your emotions toward anger at people that aren’t conservative new right wack jobs. We need to respond with unity, coalition building, and empathy. 2/


I’ve mentioned it before, but there is a not-insubstantial amount of new accounts made by right wing trolls with the explicit purpose of sowing discontent on the left active in the last 3 days. They usually adopt socialist/queer/palestinian signifiers and then immediately go looking for fights. /1

Reposted by Supreme Court Packer

The devastating flooding in western North Carolina could become a disaster for voting access. This is partly due to Republican efforts to restrict mail voting deadlines & delay mailing ballots—requiring they be reprinted—just so RFK Jr. could get off the ballot to help Trump

Tweet from North Carolina election law expert Gerry Cohen: “Major NC USPS alert.  All retail and delivery mail services are suspended in zip codes beginning in 286, 287, 288, 289, and also 39 other listed post offices. Besides the human tragedy, for election officials who could not place 190,000 absentee ballots in the mail until Sept 24 because of an 18-day delay ordered by a vote of the State Supreme Court, this is also a major potential threat to voting, especially since the 2023 legislative session ended the 3-day grace period.”
Reposted by Supreme Court Packer

Every fucking time. Every time somebody crosses the Trump/Vance ticket—by, say, existing as an immigrant or being insufficiently deferential on a campaign stop—the threats start pouring in. Why would anyone want to live like this? Why do pretend this is a political party and not a terrorist gang?

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Supreme Court Packer
Left politics, law, philosophy, history, etc.
64 followers748 following209 posts