Pelagic Argosy
"I don't read novels. I prefer good literary criticism." – Metropolitan | Academic Librarian | Information, (open) data and knowledge | Interested in the history of queer, feminist and marginalized SFF | they/them
147 followers627 following402 posts
Reposted by Pelagic Argosy

Obsessed with this absolutely rubbish medieval beast. What an impeccable Creature. (Cambridge UL MS Kk.4.25)

A page from a medieval manuscript with a partially completed ink drawing. On the left is a figure wearing loosely draped robes and holding a sword and shield; he has a halo. His face and upper body have been drawn in detail in dark brown ink, but the rest of his body, and the sword and shield, are roughly sketched in a lighter grey. He is fighting a creature that... well, it's clearly unfinished, drawn in light grey. It is turned towards him so that we can see only one eye and its mouth (full of sharp teeth) in profile. The eye is cartoonishly large and the creature has a big, crooked snout. It looks like a 5-year-old's drawing of a dinosaur. It's delightful.

My trick: sort by size


By the end it felt more like its own fantasy setting with a bunch of Greek mythological references and moments layered on top than much of a retelling or reworking of the myths.


embrace tradition, smear a little vasoline on the lens

Reposted by Pelagic Argosy

I am in bed feeling like garbage but I couldn’t sleep until I made this

That one comic where it’s like
Buff guy: Where do you work out?
Guy with massive head: At the library 
Except the guy with the massive head is saying “sinus pressure”

go full forum and make the badges little animated sprites unfurling an "I Donated" banner


he can get the IcyHot treatment


The only good star wars movie and that's not a compliment.


Great songs in the Hobbit too. Down Down to Goblin Town is a banger


I'm about 2/3rds through this one and it's just fascinating.

Pelagic Argosy
"I don't read novels. I prefer good literary criticism." – Metropolitan | Academic Librarian | Information, (open) data and knowledge | Interested in the history of queer, feminist and marginalized SFF | they/them
147 followers627 following402 posts