Anna L. Bostwick Flaming
Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning and Director, Iowa Center for Teaching Affiliate Faculty, Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies she/her opinions my own #eddev #SoED
111 followers94 following5 posts

This absolutely makes my day, Bethany! Thank you so much for sharing.

Reposted by Anna L. Bostwick Flaming

Great comment from Debie Lohe: We need to call out relational leadership as good leadership. That kind of leadership isn't always valued as much as it should be. #POD23


I'm so glad you were there! I've been chewing on your good points about institutional roles all afternoon. ❤️

Reposted by Anna L. Bostwick Flaming

Some real talk in this session on supporting big projects around pedagogical innovation with Donna Ellis & Kyle Scholz from U. Waterloo. Lots of these projects are organized rather poorly. See Wise et al. (2022) in To Improve the Academy for one schema for planning big projects. #POD23

Reposted by Anna L. Bostwick Flaming

When I asked my class to tell me how they felt about grades yesterday, "anxiety" dominated the word cloud. When I asked about positive experiences with grades, they recalled times when they got As for doing very little work. If that tells you anything about our grading system.


Just finalized my FA syllabus, and for the 2nd semester in a row, I'm citing folks who inspired language, course designs, etc. in the syllabus. I'm trying to model the scholarly practice of attribution, & it's fun to think about all the folks who have inspired my thinking about a particular course.

a partial screenshot of a footnote that reads "In this course you will leverage others’ work to build your own fresh perspective. This course and this syllabus are, similarly, an intellectual project that benefited from the creativity and expertise of others. My colleagues at the UI Center for Teaching (Katherine Beydler, Eva Latterner, Sara Nasrollahian, and Anastasia Williams) influenced my thinking about this course and about teaching generally in innumerable ways. GWSS DEO Hyaeweol Choi and Dr. Rachel Williams have offered good suggestions about this course or feedback on this syllabus. Aspects of this syllabus, including the use of the photos taken by Justin Torner, was inspired by previous GWSS students. The section on Conferences, Workshopping, and Peer Review features language originally written by Dr. Naomi Greyser. The language regarding ChatGPT is a slightly rephrased version of one I developed with UI Assistant Director of Academic Technology Vicky Maloy...
Anna L. Bostwick Flaming
Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning and Director, Iowa Center for Teaching Affiliate Faculty, Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies she/her opinions my own #eddev #SoED
111 followers94 following5 posts