Brad Neuhauser
carto geek & library cormorant, trekkie & time optimist, always drumming (sorry), learning from transformative justice, working toward abolition, living in Mni Sota, he/him/his, another world is possible
133 followers315 following87 posts
Reposted by Brad Neuhauser

As points out, a key feature of the Apollo guidance computer was core rope memory, used on all Apollo ascent and command modules. The ropes were woven by women. Ken Shirriff explains the technology below. There are 3 known Apollo module impact sites (12, 14, 17). šŸ§Ŗ

Software woven into wire: Core rope and the Apollo Guidance Computer
Software woven into wire: Core rope and the Apollo Guidance Computer

Onboard the Apollo spacecraft, the revolutionary Apollo Guidance Computer helped navigate to the Moon and land on its surface. One of the f...

Reposted by Brad Neuhauser

Fun fact: Meta's recently released climate report shows that it consumed 15.3 TWh of energy in 2023 - A 6.2x increase from 2017 (increase in monthly active users was ~1.6x) - More in 2023 than the entire electrical demand of Kenya in the same year, a country with a population of 54m

a chart showing meta compared to countries with similar power demand
a collation of power consumption reports from big tech companies  - Amazon is the highest but has only shared one year.

Iā€™ve had a similar thought about games like Guitar Hero. (Which Iā€™ve barely played to be fair) Iā€™m a drummer but with a few hours here and there over some years learned to play chords decently

Reposted by Brad Neuhauser

2) wifi goes down; software gets compromised; things get hacked; companies charge for once-free gidgets. I want my students to be able to think, summarize, argue, *write* when all of that happens, and not be stranded because somedays it's $25 to use ChatGPT.


A huge portion of the sky was pink/purple like 9:15 but it didn't last too long


Living Colour is your answer


Love the Wikipedia history tab!

Reposted by Brad Neuhauser

Iā€™ve had a few folks ask if I use AI in my work and I tell them that if I donā€™t understand something well enough to do it myself, I sure as hell donā€™t understand it enough to know whether the AI has fucked up


For sureā€”Ric definitely seemed like the front man in the videos, so it was only a few years ago I realized how many songs Ben Orr sang lead on!

Reposted by Brad Neuhauser

6/ (I forgot to chuckle about "our award-winning CFO" - who talks like that?) Frey & lapdogs are also trying to paint the Council as the big spenders, despite the biggest budget buster: a new cops contract w/outsize raises (+spending $350K on Goodman's function). Anyway, 2025 messaging, take note!

All of Mpls email: As 2025 budget decisions approach, the City Council must act professionally and responsibly. If not, key priorities will be left unfunded in favor of more pet projects, more staff for themselves, and even higher property taxes which hurt seniors and low-
income residents the most.
Brad Neuhauser
carto geek & library cormorant, trekkie & time optimist, always drumming (sorry), learning from transformative justice, working toward abolition, living in Mni Sota, he/him/his, another world is possible
133 followers315 following87 posts