Doc Hap
Your relatively cool non-threatening dorky internet dad. I have no agenda. A tangled pulsating mass of neurosis and privilege. I’m sick of these bozos at city hall.
194 followers191 following944 posts
Reposted by Doc Hap

Y’ALL. Someone on the other site tried to make a Minion™ pizza and I cannot stop laughing; we’ve allllll had things go wrong in the kitchen, but this is a pretty vivid example... 🤣🤣🤣

Pizza dough laid out in a Minion shape. So far so good…
The finished, but uncooked pie, cheese and pepperoni forming the minion itself and its coverall, a slice of mushroom and black olive for the eyes— it looks okay!
The cooked pie which has just dissolved into a blorp of cheese and haphazardly scattered toppings, resembling a Minion that was locked in the sarcophagus at Chernobyl.
Reposted by Doc Hap

and then what happened?

jesus believed in his teammates too
Reposted by Doc Hap

It only seems like "you" are in your head because that's where your sensory organs are. But science and philosophy agree that consciousness actually resides in the Ass


Or perhaps… you DON’T need a new show? (Dum-dum-DUUUUUM!)

Reposted by Doc Hap

I know that everyone feels like they're faking it but if you could all stop looking like you know what you're doing and instead just be like hahah it's all made up and I don't understand it either and am approximating what I think it's supposed to look like! I'd appreciate it a lot!


So hard to be a parent these days with all these terrifying teen trends like planking, vodka eyeballing, car surfing, having emotions, developing a fully independent self.

Reposted by Doc Hap

Eric Adams is amazing because when he won every media person was leaping over each to go “this is the normal sane leadership that the political left doesn’t understand normal sane Americans crave” and then every day since that Eric Adams has been like “Leprechauns are real and I’m going to cook one”


This note from a physical therapist when I was recovering from a massively traumatic surgery never fails to make me laugh.


I realize that this may be a controversial opinion, but I think it's obvious that 'Die Hard' is a sandwich.

Reposted by Doc Hap

What a time to be alive.

Doc Hap
Your relatively cool non-threatening dorky internet dad. I have no agenda. A tangled pulsating mass of neurosis and privilege. I’m sick of these bozos at city hall.
194 followers191 following944 posts