Will M. Farr
Astrophysicist. Associate Professor at Stony Brook University, Gravitational Wave Astronomy Group Leader at Flatiron Institute's Center for Computational Astrophysics.
245 followers222 following32 posts

FWIW (my PhD is actually MIT, so you can tell it’s gonna be worse), I had two published papers that have today 25 citations when I got my PhD: Never published my thesis…. So, many such cases?

Reposted by Will M. Farr

OK, so this is an awesome paper with an awesome figure out on the arXiv today (and I had nothing to do with it apart from many authors being frequent collaborators)..., where fig 6 is a pretty good summary:

Diagram of an AGN disk (text reading 'AGN Stars' at the top) showing the behavior stars as a function of distance from the SMBH, with the outermost region showing pink dots representing low mass stars (<8Msun), labeled 'canonical stellar evolution', the next region in containing purple and black dots representing massive stars (~10-100Msun) and compact remnants, labeled 'massive stars & COs', the next region in containing blue dots representing supermassive stars (>100Msun), labeled 'immortal stars', the next region containing a cartoon dragon labeled 'Runaway accretion' and in the legend the dragon symbol is labeled 'Here be Dragons'; the innermost region contains nothing and is labeled 'Tidal disruption'
Reposted by Will M. Farr

Well today is the first day I have a free* research assistant**… *free=raising child to age of 16 & continuing to provide room, board, loving home, etc. **person who was told to choose from a menu of options for activities & helped to organize applications & … forgot to submit them

Reposted by Will M. Farr

I understand that there can sometimes be difficulties with Jax on apple GPU silicon, but otherwise I have *loved* my ARM-based Mac. Gogogogogogogogogo! Also: personally, I use miniconda for all my python-related needs, and have avoided HomeBrew for some time now.... YMMV, of course.

Reposted by Will M. Farr

Astronomer: We found a planet around 2MASS J20232987-1234567! Me: Great! What did you name it? A: I chose a random subset of that string and added 'b' to it. Me: Was it a subset anyone had used before? A: I don't know. Me: Was it the same /format/ as a subset anyone had used before? A: Me: 😐

Reposted by Will M. Farr

too much multitasking today, but got most of my last python lecture of the semester in order: extension modules here's a Mandelbrot generator with python + numpy, Numba, Fortran + f2py, and C++ + pybind11:

Reposted by Will M. Farr

Omgosh, possible potential EM counterpart to yesterday's event?

Reposted by Will M. Farr

🚨 An exciting one! gravitational-wave candidate S240422ed If real, the source is probably a neutron star–black hole (could have an electromagnetic counterpart) False alarm rate 1 in 10^5 yr GraceDB Rating 🍫🎱🥯 [🧪🔭⚛️]

Initial sky localization. 90% area 400 sq deg
Initial three-dimensional volume localization. Distance around 210 Mpc
Will M. Farr
Astrophysicist. Associate Professor at Stony Brook University, Gravitational Wave Astronomy Group Leader at Flatiron Institute's Center for Computational Astrophysics.
245 followers222 following32 posts