Lane Crothers
Professor of Politics and Government at Illinois State University. Editor of •Populism.• Author of Rage on the Right, and Globalization and American Popular Culture.
17 followers52 following55 posts

A debate prediction: tariffs and tax cuts will create enough magic money to pay for all our dreams. Mass expulsions will solve all social problems. And Donald Trump wielding the power of the federal government to avenge his grievances will ensure American democracy for all time.


And so 34 years as a full time university teacher — 30 of them at ISU — has come to an end. The things I could tell that young whippersnapper who first walked into a classroom at the University of Alabama-Huntsville in Fall 1990. But knowing myself at that time, I probably wouldn’t have listened.


Giving an exam. Large class; on Canvas. Walk around. Student in back of class taking the exam while watching a video on his phone. The New World Order.


Last night, Trump claimed he had heard that over 300,000 undocumented immigrants were *flown* into the United States ... Yesterday. Yesterday. Folks, at 300 people per flight, that's not than 1000 flights. Which seems ... unlikely. Or utterly insane.


My night? Just before going to pick my son and a friend up from basketball practice, my dog prances in from the back yard …. proudly carrying in her mouth the rabbit she just killed. Ah.


At this point, Donald Trump is basically an aging rock star booking smaller venues and playing his former hits over and over again for avid fans who hope beyond hope that they never hear the fateful words, “here’s a song from my new album” …


American politics today: Donald Trump: I will be a dictator for a day! We’ll set up deportation camps staffed by 2 million National Guard troops! We’ll use the power of the state to punish our domestic enemies! Media: did you know Joe Biden is four years older than Trump? It’s *crazy *!


Dear media people: Chris Christie dropping out does *not* change the dynamics of the Republican primary. It should. But it doesn’t.


Free advice for any frustrated Republican voters in Iowa or New Hampshire who are unhappy with the array of neo-fascists they have to choose from in the forthcoming caucus and primary: Vote for Pedro.

Lane Crothers
Professor of Politics and Government at Illinois State University. Editor of •Populism.• Author of Rage on the Right, and Globalization and American Popular Culture.
17 followers52 following55 posts