Chris Adams
Science & justice. Also: coffee, cities, UX & code. Aghast at all the typos in my tweets. I'm an organiser at, and I work at The Green Web Foundation. He/Him. @mrchrisadams on most of the social networks
527 followers325 following89 posts
Reposted by Chris Adams
Reposted by Chris Adams

It’s also true that while we’re building new things we’ve also failed / temporarily given up on structural reforms. I see the “toxic positivity” problem as a desire to reframe massive political compromise as a win. Unfortunately the folks that forced that compromise are playing a different game.

Reposted by Chris Adams

Two things to note here. First, attribution for Hurricane Harvey (with similar direct damages) found that human-caused climate change was responsible for about 75% of the costs ($67B out of $90B). Second, direct costs are only about 10% of total costs, which play out over years and even decades.


Yay, Jenny’s on Bluesky! If you enjoyed this thread, it’s very likely you’ll enjoy her book too, and it’s one of the most cost-effective ways I know to develop a good intuition about how energy markets work (with a strong focus on solar, obvs). Really insight-dense book (and surprisingly funny!) 💯

Reposted by Chris Adams

A bumper sticker that reads "Everything is a conspiracy theory when you don't understand how anything works."
Reposted by Chris Adams

A recent New Scientist cartoon:

A science lecture.

A scientist stands on a stage holding a pointer and gesturing to a slide depicting the earth on fire. 

In the audience one member turns to another amd says “I prefer her earlier, funnier theories”.
Reposted by Chris Adams

These @Waymo self-driving cars are getting scarily similar to humans—they can even inch forward into the crosswalk at a red light like a complete fucking douchebag.

Reposted by Chris Adams

The vibes on day one of climate week are kinda off the charts! It might be too early to say definitively but i think there’s 3-4x the number of people interested in every function than what there’s actual capacity for. Truly wild to be at a climate happy hour packed tighter than a Vegas nightclub.

Reposted by Chris Adams

What is the oddest/most obscure conversion factor you have memorized because it is handy in your line of work (and why)? Mine: 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) = 3,412 British thermal units (Btus), because for some reason we Americans discuss fuel costs in $/million Btus & power plant heat rates in Btu/kWh.

Chris Adams
Science & justice. Also: coffee, cities, UX & code. Aghast at all the typos in my tweets. I'm an organiser at, and I work at The Green Web Foundation. He/Him. @mrchrisadams on most of the social networks
527 followers325 following89 posts