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Santam Chakraborty
Oncologist | RadOnc | Opinonated | Atheist | Researcher | Father | ❤️ Statistics, Books & Tech . @learningonco
49 followers229 following16 posts

I do not understand what do we mean by de-extinction. Even if we end up growing a breeding pair after genetic sequencing how are we going to avoid inbreeding and subsequent extinction.I do not understand what do we mean by de-extinction. Even if we end up growing a breeding pair after genetic sequencing how are we going to avoid inbreeding and subsequent extinction.


This is the most interesting thing I read today morning.. and the practical implications of this in vector borne disease in desertified areas would be immense. The impact of climate change on driving this behaviour will also be interesting. This is the most interesting thing I read today morning.. and the practical implications of this in vector borne disease in desertified areas would be immense. The impact of climate change on driving this behaviour will also be interesting.

Reposted by Santam Chakraborty

So. Here it is. The ABSOLUTELY nuttiest study we have ever done in my 25+ years as a scientist working on mosquitoes "Revisiting the paradigm of anhematophagy in male mosquitoes" Let's dive into the paper

Revisiting the paradigm of anhematophagy in male mosquitoes
Revisiting the paradigm of anhematophagy in male mosquitoes

Female mosquitoes are reproductively obligate bloodfeeders which feed on vertebrate blood to obtain nutrients required for egg production (driving transmission of vector-borne pathogens in the process...


Two of the biggest problems with #Indian#tourism#accessibility#toilets (public).


The UN Security council must be the top example of an useless organisation.. it is not United, not providing security and is not a council. #stopthewars

Reposted by Santam Chakraborty

Anybody else getting permission denied errors when you try to get a BibTeX citation through Google Scholar? Seems to be happening to my colleagues as well... 🧪

Google error showing permission denied for a Google Scholar BibTeX URL


I always believe it is important to peer review protocols not results. Once results are there peer review is an exercise in gatekeeping and does not seek improvement I always believe it is important to peer review protocols not results. Once results are there peer review is an exercise in gatekeeping and does not seek improvement

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Santam Chakraborty
Oncologist | RadOnc | Opinonated | Atheist | Researcher | Father | ❤️ Statistics, Books & Tech . @learningonco
49 followers229 following16 posts