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Giving social media another try. I'm a writer, thinker, helper...middle-aged intellectual who writes about science, metaphysics, and more. We become what we practice; practice what you want to become.
26 followers55 following168 posts

Agree. Utterly. But unclear antecedent. "... plant-life that grows THERE..." I had to read twice to be sure THERE was Mars, not the South Pole.


Good for her. Perfect timing. By endorsing right after the debate, her followers who didn't even watch the debate can assume Swift was impressed by Harris' performance. And because it is SO close to actual voting, they won't have time to forget. No sarcasm. I'm truly impressed with Swift's move.


Sure, but also she wasn't anywhere as seasoned as she is now. Not saying she was green, just saying it wasn't only the tacking to the left that resulted in her losing the primary. She lost before because of who she was running against. This time, she'll win because of who she's running against.


Truly. How is putting off his sentencing avoiding getting involved in politics? It's not. It is directly avoiding letting the American citizens see that he is, in fact, a criminal.

Political Meme about Trump: "If I were a single-issue voter, my single issue would be that criminals should be in prison."
Reposted by Shulamit

A group of 101 retired and active police officers, lieutenants, county sheriffs, and deputies from across the U.S. came together to endorse the vice president, saying they believed Kamala Harris and her running mate Governor Tim Walz are "the only candidates we trust to keep our communities safe."

Over 100 law enforcement officials back Kamala Harris, slam Donald Trump
Over 100 law enforcement officials back Kamala Harris, slam Donald Trump

A group of police officers, lieutenants, county sheriffs, and deputies from across the country have weighed in on the upcoming election.


Not that I agree we only get one life, but we definitely only get to live this one, once. I love this post, and might be quoting it for the rest of my life


Decades ago, as I walked from the stacks at my university library, into the study room, I had this overwhelming thought: I want to read all the books in there, and not only would I not be able to, in my life time there would be that many *new* books published. I underestimated future publishing.🤦🏽‍♀️

Reposted by Shulamit

I have the book-buying habits of a much faster reader


Looks like total days of heatwave in Los Angeles each year, and how bad the heat. Most days, worst heat, this year. Color index goes farther, because they are national, not just LA. But yeah, odd to leave it without written explanation.

Reposted by Shulamit

The point being, politicians and oil execs can pretend climate change isn’t a real thing. You know who acts like it’s a real thing? Insurance companies, intelligence agencies and the military. Act accordingly.

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Giving social media another try. I'm a writer, thinker, helper...middle-aged intellectual who writes about science, metaphysics, and more. We become what we practice; practice what you want to become.
26 followers55 following168 posts