Ornamental Hermit
I just wander from room to room. He/Him.
46 followers505 following84 posts
Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

The Death of Cathy

A machine monitors an elderly Cathy's heartbeat. She thinks "I'm dying. I can feel it all slip away. And I know what comes next. Chemicals will flood my brain and wreak havoc with my memories. I will live my final moments in fantasy. But it's not a fantasy.
Because everything that we are can be reduced to just that... chemicals and memories. SO this is all really happening... This IS reality. My family. My friends. My love.
They're all here. They are safe. THey are loved. And they love me. And that is the comedy of it all. We are all granted acces to the kingdom of heaven. All hopes fulfilled. All sins forgiven. Because that is the tender mercy of whatever force created us.
We are built to know the eternal and for that eternity to feel like no time at all. Cathy fades into space. The blackness of the cosmos reflected in her dying eyes. She cries. She closes her eyes, says "ack' and gently passes into oblivion.
Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

The threat to deport undocumented immigrants is a threat to deport documented immigrants is a threat to deport the descendants of immigrants is a threat to deport anyone who they think looks like an immigrant is a threat to deport anyone who disagrees with them

Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

TBF, the Court also supported the losing side in the Civil War, both before the War & during Reconstruction

Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

It has been a mistake, not just on the merits but tactically, for Dems to essentially give up on even making the argument that Trump is ineligible to be president, and a regime with him back in the White House would be constitutionally illegitimate and owed no loyalty or obedience by any American.

Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

Here's the fact about our current immigration law that made me appreciate just HOW screwed up it is: Children as young as 3 or 4 can have to show up for deportation hearings alone and without an attorney. And the people in the system think that's normal.

Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

Folks who weren't watching along will assume this is hyperbole but the thing is, it's not

Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

Natural, deeply engrained human behavior during and right after a disaster is to cooperate, help each other, act with reflexive altruism, save lives, strengthen communal bonds and rebuild communities Then the cops show up

Reposted by Ornamental Hermit

When Trump first chose "America First" as his slogan American Historians were like "um, yeah, that seems kinda bad." Now that he's moved on to praising "the late great Charles Lindbergh" I think we can dispense with the qualifications.

Ornamental Hermit
I just wander from room to room. He/Him.
46 followers505 following84 posts