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Troy Goodfellow
PR Manager for Historical Strategy Games at Paradox Interactive. Former podcaster, former games critic. Mostly happy, always worried. Ontario, Canada
975 followers422 following2.5k posts

Peter Rosenthal's movie criticism deserves more attention.

Reposted by Troy Goodfellow

This is the fundamental paradox of AI: if it's actually helping you, there is no way to know when it is no longer helping you. Put another way: if you can supervise it effectively enough to catch its mistakes, you probably didn't need it in the first place.

Reposted by Troy Goodfellow

Explaining the plot of ā€œAmok Timeā€ to my stepdaughter.

A text to my stepdaughter explaining the plot of the Star Trek episode Amok Time:

They actually took him to Vulcan so he could fuck his wife and everyone was like ā€œyour WHAT????ā€ and he was like ā€œplease captain, my testicles need my wife or I will die of hornyā€ and they got there and she was like ā€œIā€™m divorcing your ass for a doctorā€ which involves a fight to the death and because she was a girl she was like ā€œlmao, and Kirk has to fight for meā€ so they wrestle sweatily until Spock kills Kirk and they all go back to the enterprise and Spock is like ā€œJim, my beloved, my only, my heart, what have I doneā€ and Kirk pops up like ā€œnothing, darling, the doctor gave me some Fake Death Juiceā€ and everyone laughed I am not even a little bit making any of this up.
Reposted by Troy Goodfellow

ā¬”ā¬¢ā¬” HockeyViz 2024-2025 Season Preview ā¬¢ā¬”ā¬¢


Beware of cyclopes.


Oh, I'm good! Just old and tired and not suited for travel.


The plan was to recover from the intercontinental flight and long drive from the airport by starting work a little later than normal. And here I am, at my desk at the usual hour. I am a terrible planner.


Resisting the urge to answer the call of the time zone to get up and start work. ā€œItā€™s 11:30! Youā€™re already late!ā€

Reposted by Troy Goodfellow

ā€œā€¦when speed cameras are doing the ticketing, the proportion of tickets issued to Black and white drivers aligns closely with their respective share of roadway users. With human enforcement, in contrast, police officers stop Black drivers at a rate that far outstrips their presence on the road.ā€

Police stop more Black drivers, while speed cameras issue unbiased tickets āˆ’ new study from Chicago
Police stop more Black drivers, while speed cameras issue unbiased tickets āˆ’ new study from Chicago

ā€˜Driving while Blackā€™: Researchers found that Black drivers make up 70% of police traffic stops on roads where only half the drivers are Black.

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Troy Goodfellow
PR Manager for Historical Strategy Games at Paradox Interactive. Former podcaster, former games critic. Mostly happy, always worried. Ontario, Canada
975 followers422 following2.5k posts