11 followers15 following76 posts

Listen, Nazi. Can I call you Nazi? Listen, Nazi, you haven’t been coherent since you made an account here and I checked. You sound like a Tucker Carlson-type. All white supremacy and no substance.

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One positive to Joker 2 flopping so hard is we won't be getting 100+ video essays where every host has to dress like him and reveal how the film perfectly reflects their own personal politics and beliefs

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When the people making the picks and shovels start selling their stock in Picks and Shovels Inc, maybe the "AI" gold rush is about to end.

Nvidia CEO and execs cash in on $1.8 billion worth of Nvidia stock — largest stock sale in chipmaker's recent history
Nvidia CEO and execs cash in on $1.8 billion worth of Nvidia stock — largest stock sale in chipmaker's recent history

Nvidia folks are getting rich, I tell ya.

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LOOK OUT I'M CIRCLING BACK Can I just say how fucking idiotic it was for Elon to attach himself to Trump and make this election not just a referendum on one of the most unpopular men in America, but TWO of the most unpopular men in America? "Wait, I get to make Trump AND Elon cry? Wow!"

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The new Sims 4 expansion is about dying & there is a scene in the trailer where a person is on their death bed surrounded by relatives who love them and it's like, you know what... I could simply delete the ladder in the pool, how dare this video game try to help me process grief in a healthy way?!

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I don’t understand why entertainment outlets write and re-write that “toxic fandom” article without ever going deep on the fact that 90% of the time, heat isn’t coming from “fandom,” it’s coming from right-wing political groups injecting far-right ideas into highly visible subcultures. It’s an op.

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If we defund the police, who is going to stand outside of grocery stores menacingly stopping folks who just went through one of the worst experiences in their entire lives from acquiring toilet paper & water?

11 followers15 following76 posts