Ghosts, yay! I have LOTS of ghosts! 👻 Thanks, Aimee!

A colored pencil illustration of a blue flowerpot contains some plants with ghosts growing out of them.
Pencil & pastel illustration: A ghost stands in a field with two trees bursting with fall colors- red, oranges, yellows- while a full moon hangs overhead.
A colored pencil illustration of a wooden chest on the ground, opened up, with a ghostly wraith rising up out of it.
Colored pencil illustration: a purple bottle marked "Dr. E. Sibly's Ghost B Gone" holds a ghost inside it, while other ghosts mill about around it.

Had a lot of fun playing with my old band last night and hope to do it again; but as a guitarist I felt like a plant being stuffed back into its old flowerpot


Today is a holiday, but I went to work. My daughter is studying at home today. When I got home, she made a flowerpot cake that I said I wanted to try yesterday. My daughter said she didn't have any leaves, so I went outside to get some peppermint and decorated it. #sweets#flowerpot#青空スイーツ部


Wish that had been around when our first dog had to have an op. The vet had to make a cone out of a plastic flowerpot and the dog soon realised if anyone was in his way he could just whack their shins with it to force his way through.


Today’s challenge: surviving repotting this 11 foot cactus. 🩹🩹

An empty large black flowerpot sits next to a 11 foot cactus in a small terra cotta pot awaiting to be repotted.

A sitting character in warm clothing holds a cup of warm drink. A flower with a chibi head peers smugly out of a flowerpot.

Here’s a cute flowerpot designed by someone who had never seen a toilet


That legitimately hurt to read. If I collapse into a bleeding mound of protoplasm in a few moments, I would not be surprised. Strangely, I feel as though I would be like that flowerpot in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

a picture of a potted plant with the words oh no not again
a picture of a potted plant with the words oh no not again

Alt: A missile having been improbably transformed into a flowerpot thinking, inexplicably, "Oh no, not again."


my little shromps were very active this morning, so I tried to get some photos. The problem is they're tiny, so it's hard to photograph them. Here you are anyway, including a tank shot with my honey gourami vamping for the camera.

The substrate is red and rocky anf there's the top of a terracotta flowerpot int he background that is of a similar color. There is a small blue shrimp at the edge of the flowerpot.
A submerged and half-buried flowerpot containing alernathera leaves which are red on the bottom and green on the top. Thereis a small red shrimp near where the flowerpot is buried. This is a wider-focused version of the last photo.
The inside of a fish tank. There are some harlequin rasbora swimming at mid-level and a sunset honey gourami. Also visible are a white mystery snail, some tiny shrimp, plants including althernathera, bucephelandra and bacopa, as well as terra-cotta driftwood, a terra cotta humunculus and a terra cotta skull