GAMER Comics, featuring plans and backup plans #GAMERcomics#comics

"Alex!" Heather exclaims, returning, confidently crossing her long sleeved arms. She donned a beautiful long coat with a fierce shoulder scarf, and elaborate golden buttons. This outfit was also originally coordinated to cosplay a Street Fighter character. This elegant ensemble is in the style of the cerebral Rose, the perfect outfit for such a mind expanding revelation as this. "I had no idea you were a trans man in need of Y-Chromosomes to save several trillion dollars on parts for a surgical procedure to replace your second set of X-Chromosomes with a set of Y-Chromosomes."

"This is my curse." Alex bemoans, exhausted again after having time alone to think while Heather got dressed.

"Alex, you don't understand!" Heather cries. "I have a jar of Y-Chromosomes! I asked to have mine saved instead of thrown away for exactly this situation!"

"Nice!" Alex exclaims, enchanted by the serendipity of this moment. "And here I was helping you for intrinsic benefit!"

"But wait... My trust in the system is broken by a recent bad experience." Alex puts his fist to his chin and squints his eyes. "What if they play a combat trick, like revealing that they won't perform the operation unless we use the Y-Chromosomes they sell?" Alex asks, hypothesizing a likely scenario given the information he has recently gleaned of St. Gamer Hospital's policies.

"While I don't think that things will go wrong, you should know that if it does, this isn't the end," Heather states, acknowledging Alex's fears without trivializing them, and providing solutions to help his mental state. "We have other options, such as witchcraft."

"Thanks for that reminder." Alex gives, smiling cheerfully once more. "Although I would like to avoid witchcraft if possible, as I'd prefer not to have cat ears, this makes me less afraid of possible failure."

GAMER Comics, featuring misunderstandings that can be overcome with communication. #GAMERcomics#comics

Heather stands confidently with her arms folded in sincere gratitude. Alex, on the other hand, slouches with his arms hanging low. While Heather is energetic and lively, Alex's eyes have bags under them. He's exhausted.

"Thank you for hitting that guy with a bat and making my BLOPS experience slightly better!" Heather cheers, dressed in a short pleated skirt and Japanese School Girl Sailor Fuku uniform top, with a ribbon tied around her forehead, knotted at the back. Heather assembled this outfit to cosplay as Sakura from Street Fighter, though she has since replaced the ribbon with one from her own collection.

"You're welcome," Alex groans.

"Alex!" Heather gasps. "What's the matter? You're acting like you're feeling negative emotions. Aren't you the one who taught me that negative emotions are worthless in the current meta?"

"Yeah I know but I'm really tilted right now." Alex sighs. "I had this plan to change my chromosomes for almost a year now, and right at the end I got countered by some degenerate RNG money strat."

Heather is stunned! She double takes, unsure if she heard him correctly!
"Alex! I didn't know you were trans!" Heather exclaims, rotating her entire body toward him. "I thought you were just the only cool cis person I've ever met in my life!"

Alex recoils in surprise. Heather has gotten much closer to him than he's used to or comfortable with. Luckily, she backs off quickly.

"This is so shocking and exciting!" Heather cheers. "I'll help you out in every way I can!" Heather's thoughts race. "We're almost the same size! I'll let you try on my dresses and teach you how to do makeup!"

"Woah, hold up, Heather!" Alex laughs, energized by her excitement. "You've got it backwards. I'm not a transwoman who was in the closet." Alex's exhaustion leaves, rejuvenated with confidence. "I'm a trans man!"

Heather is stunned! She double takes again! She realizes she is not properly dressed for such a mind blowing experience.

GAMER Comics, featuring MACROTRANSACTIONS. #GAMERcomics#comics

"Well that's all of your free re-rolls," Shiné says, mirroring Alex's eyebrow cocked expression.

"This sucks!" Alex quetches. "I didn't want any of the free surgeries I rolled from this RNG bullshit."

"Well you can still buy it directly," Shiné offers, raising her hand.

"And how much is it?"

"Well it comes down to parts and labor, really!" Shiné explains. "Labor is three hundred dollars, or twenty-nine thousand bits."

Alex puts his hand to his chin and considers that. "Well it's not free," he thinks to himself, "but that's actually pretty affordable. It's even cheaper if I pay with my Twitch Prime Bits. I could eve get my hundreds of subscribers to chip in and this wouldn't be so bad at all."

"And the parts cost 5 trillion dollars, or 405 trillion bits."

"What the fuck?" Alex exclaims, smirking again, like he's hearing a dirty joke. "That's bullshit. How am I supposed to afford that?"

"Well if you register an Amazon Credit Card--"

"Lemme stop you right there." Alex cuts her off. "No."

Alex takes another moment to think things over. "The labor is totally affordable but the cost of the parts is waaaay too high. If only there were a person who had a jar of Y Chromosomes who would be willing to part with them due to owing me a favor."

Meanwhile, back in her home, Heather sits at her computer. A voice comes over her headphones from the in game voice chat.

"Sorry, I have a condition," the Gamer explains.

"Not a problem," Heather states confidently. She sits in her chair with her arms folded, dressed in a comfortable night shirt and pajama pants, with the word "Communism" written over her chest. She thinks to herself, "Thanks to Alex I know that this person is most likely telling the truth and I can be loving and compassionate without fear!"

GAMER Comics, featuring LOOTBOXES #GAMERcomics#comics

"Hello!" Alex announced, shoving open the door to the Doctor's office. "I am here to redeem the vast amount of points that I've earned from bringing in dozens of new patients to this hospital for a replacement of my second set of X Chromosomes for some Y Chromosomes."

"Oh how fun!" replies the Doctor. Shiné, the lady from chapter one who was thinking about the video games she plays. "Let's give it a roll and see what we get!"

"Huh?" Alex asks, confused by what she means by 'roll'.

"Gamer Referal (sic) Rewards Program Points are redeemable for gift box prizes! I'll go ahead and roll your points right now!" Shiné sings.

"The wording on the card did not specify that it would be a RANDOM body mod!" Alex complains.

"Well let's see what you get before you get salty, okay?" Shiné says, pulling up her tablet to display what Alex rolled.

"You rolled 'New Prostate'." Shiné declares.

Alex can't believe what he's hearing. He smirks and holds up his hands. "I don't want a new prostate! All they do is get cancer and kill you. Anybody running a prostate is trolling. I have a Skene's gland."

"Actually we now understand that the Skene's gland and prostate are the same thing," Shiné explains.

"What the fuck?" Alex laughs. "Am I being pranked? I don't care."
"Okay well I'll just reroll for you." Shiné decides. "How's teeth replacement sound?" Her display reads 'MYTHICAL - NEW TEETH!'

"No thanks I like my teeth," says Alex.

"Okay, well," Shiné looks down at her tablet. "Teeth shape and size are thought to be related to sex."

"Yeah, thought," Alex scoffs, not missing a beat. "But when tested, trained dentists can only determine the sex 47-59% of the time."

"You just know that off the top of your head, huh?" Shiné asks, partly amused, and partly nervous that she still hasn't satisfied her customer.

"I'm trans. Of course I do."


Shiné rolls for another prize on her tablet. "Okay, rerolling... New Adam's Apple!" Shiné declares, confident that Alex will go for this one.

"I already have one. Testosterone moves fat off your neck to reveal the one you already have. It's not even a good gender marker anyway: Plenty of cis women have 'em visible and cis men don't."

"Oh, here we go!" Shiné exclaims. This one for sure! "Vagina removal. That's gotta be something you want, right?"

"You're joking right?" Alex cocks an eyebrow and chuckles. "What if I wanna get fucked by my awesome gay husband? You're clearly not thinking."

GAMER Comics, Chapter 2 begins NOW. #GAMERcomics#comics

"Thank you for bringing in a new patient to St. Gamer Hospital." the receptionist smiles, cheerfully to Alex, entering in Alex's details into her desk terminal.

A Doctor swiftly races away, pushing a wheeled stretcher with the griefer on it. The griefer is noticeably injured. His eye is blackened, and his nose bloodied. They race to the left, past a sign that directs Full Heals to the left, Body Mods to the right, and Medic Rentals on the second floor.

"And I get my referral rewards, right?" Alex asks, casually.

"Yep!" the receptionist cheers, sitting under the logo for the hospital. A pair of warm hands, gently holding a game controller.

"What's my current Gamer Rewards Account balance?" Alex inquires.

"You currently have enough Gamer Rewards Points to redeem for a body mod surgery, sir!"

"Hell yeah!" Alex exclaims. "I'd like to redeem that right now!"

"What sort of body mod are you hoping to get, if you don't my asking?" the receptionist asks.

"I'm gonna finally get my XX Chromosomes replaced with XY Chromosomes."

"Oh great! Well you can head right on over, ma'am!"

Alex goes from cheerful to grumpy. "If you weren't already clearly a member at St. Gamer Hospital, I would be turning you in for Gamer Rewards Points for misgendering me like that."

"I'm sorry," the receptionist apologizes. "I have transphobic tendencies typical of people in my line of work."

Alex growls, "I'm going to let this slide as there's no benefit for me to punish you for this."

GAMER COMICS, the ONLY comic on the internet for GAMERS. Posted these to twitter back in 2020. Reuploading them here. Image transcriptions (which frequently go over 2000 characters) available on

At the top of the page reads "GAMER COMICS" as is expected.

"Give me one copy of Blops 4." demands Heather, confidently. Heather has expressed herself today with a v-necked shirt with gray sleeves and a white chest. On her neck clings a choker collar, and on her shoulder hangs a tote bag. She stands with her arms folded, displaying the confidence of a woman who has bested countless opponents in the gaming world, and in the real world as well. Beneath her waist hangs a plaid skirt with a seatbelt buckled belt. The outfit was coordinated to be reminiscent of Kosaka Riyu's style in the Guitar Freaks / Drummania video for the song "Break Down", but she changed her mind and went with long sleeves because it was cold today.

Behind the counter stands a man with a smug expression, side swept bangs, and a Baseball Cap. On the hat is a picture of a Pokéball and a thong with a W on it. This is a reference to a joke about the way the Masterball from Pokemon resembles a normal Pokéball, but with Wario's thong stretched over it.

The man behind the counter denies Heather, stating, "No way! Not selling you anything without a Y-Chromosome. Store policy."

Unmoved by this denial, Heather confidently pulls from her tote bag a jar filled with some sort of liquid, and holds it up for the man behind the counter to see.

He asks, "What's that?" His face never deviates from his smug expression.

Heather replies, "It's a jar filled with each and every Y-Chromosome of the last guy who tried to get between me and gaming." She too is confident. Her expression does not waver. In this battle of wills, she will not falter.
"Oh! Right away!" says the man behind the counter, off screen. Heather is victorious.

"Little do they know," Heather thinks to herself, confidently folding her arms as she watches her vanquished foe leave to fetch her hard won copy of Blops 4 to purchase, "Those were actually my Y-Chromosomes I had surgically removed and am saving in case any of my trans masc friends want them."

a shithead misogynist gamercomics guy trying to make his partner's grief (a partner that left him in part b/c of how he acted regarding her miscarriage) about him. going so far as to post things about how "sometimes a miscarriage is harder on the man"


#GamerComics The ONLY comic for GAMERSSSSSS.