Getting to the last of the #GardenFlowers although I’m still insisting that fuchsias function as a cut flower (or at least useful foliage)

From above, against a plain grey background, a single deep red rose and a cluster of baby oink roses with dark green leaf foliage and some very pale pink fuschia that are barely visible.

Kijk hoe mooi hij nu staat..😍 #gardenflowers#dalia


#GardenFlowers#TuesdayRoses - I call this “a bit of everything” Relatedly - why is it so dark? High summer, warm and muggy with so little sunlight. It’s weird, and hard to take photos!

A large flower arrangement in a green glass vase. It stands in a wooden windowsill against a shaded window and pale wall. Red and pink roses, purple spikes, orange crocosmia, pink fuschia and foliage.

Today in: anything can be a cut flower, buddliea & lemon balm/verbena. Smells amazing! Making use of new light spots after we had the porch & hall window redone last week. #GardenFlowers

A tall dark purple flower spike surrounded by green foliage in a vintage glass bottle. It sots on a pale wood window sill, beige anaglypta wallpaper to the left, bright white privacy blind to the right.