On Saturday was Kent Field Club's first fungus meeting of the year, at Hosey Common in West Kent. Lots to be found, including the species shown in photos below. Names in alt text. All photos courtesy of Phil Ambler. #fungus#fungi#mycology#KentNature#autumn

Tricholoma sulphureum (Sulphur Knight)
Cortinarius flexipes (Pelargonium Webcap)
Elaphomyces granulatus (False Truffle) with a parasitic Tolypocladium sp. (Truffleclub)
Cortinarius violaceus (Violet Webcap)

#kentnature. A lunchtime walk at Cromer Wood KWT. Only a Jay, Magpie & a Wren heard on our walk until we got to the pond where we heard Blue, Great & Long-tailed Tit as well as Chiffchaff. Silhouetted Martins were flying around the car park Oaks. Still quite a few invertebrates about.


From a trip to Allhallows and Grain on Friday (Orthoptera-hunting) - one of many Wall butterflies seen during the day; a Reed Dagger moth caterpillar; one of a couple of Shrill Carder Bees at Grain Coastal Park; and Strawberry Clover in flower. #KentNature#butterflies#moths#bees#bumblebees

A brown-and-orange butterfly on a yellow flower, amongst grassy vegetation.
A hairy caterpillar with black, yellow and orange markings, walking on a stony surface.
A bumblebee on a yellow flower.
Pale pink clover flowerheads.

#kentnature An ultimately fruitless search for my scope lens cap I lost at last weeks Fav Nat History visit to Conyer. Arrived as the tide was just starting to recede. Small Heath & Coppers seen with probably 2 Wall not settling for a confirmed ID. Second Wasp Spider found.


#kentnature An autumnal feel for our lunchtime walk at Highsted Wood, Sittingbourne. Only 11 Woopjgeons seen & 4 Robin & a Blackbird heard. The grass area is now evanescent but provided a Twin-spot Centurion (lifer) and a Common Carder.


Vernal Shieldbug at Doddington allotments today. Once super-rare, now increasingly widespread (though still only the second one I've seen). #KentNature#Hemiptera#Bugs#Shieldbugs#allotments


Good to see Rufous Grasshoppers (nationally scarce) in really big numbers on downland by White Horse Wood Country Park - and also in the park itself - on yesterday's


Great field meeting yesterday at Kent CC's White Horse Wood Country Park and its environs. The happy-looking scorpionfly is Panorpa germanica (ID helped by recent article in British Wildlife), and, yes, that is a Hornet Robber-fly perching on a finger. #kentnature

The pale blue flowers of Blue Fleabane amongst other grass and flowers, with people in background.
A scorpionfly - a black-and-yellow insect with a long, beak-like head, emerging from a glass tube.
A very large, hairy, orange fly sits on a person's finger.

#kentnature This morning was the September Milton Creek CP wildlife survey. A Jay was a rarity for the park, small parties of Swallows & House Martins flew through. 20+ Migrant Hawkers, 2 Willow Emerald & a Southern Hawker seen. 3 Mottled Shieldbug were a lifer. Shrill & Brown-banded Carder seen