❌Pooping in the fenced yard in any weather ❌Even thinking about venturing into the fenced yard in rain ✅Dragging out a leashed walk for as long as possible when it’s pouring rain

A sodden, scruffy black-and-white terrier on a leash, walking on a wet sidewalk

What if we turned the Hiawatha golf course into a sex forest at night but an off leash dog park during the day?


"I'm not sure what's more confused, me or this leash. 🐶🤔 #dog #cofused leas #pet #upper #adorable

A brown and white dog sits on a wooden floor with a leash on, the dog has a confused look on its face as it stares at the leash. The leash is coiled in front of the dog,  a foot is visible at the bottom of the picture.

BREAKING NOT NEWS: Here's my dog. Look at this instead of news for a moment.

A photo of my wonderful-yet-completely-scruffy 10 YO terrier mix, Pennie.  She's looking at you expectantly because you've just jingled her leash accidentally.

I live in a tiny 1 room "friggebod", extremely tiny place to live. Upside is, I do share a yard with a house Anyway, a kid did a shortcut through the yard with a bunny on the leash and my dog (also on leash) checked out the bunny and it all went super nice :) I guess my takeaway is...


From my ongoing series of animals in a German shelter... Lilly See thread for more information. #PletzfeldShelterAnimals#AnimalRescue#photography#animals#dogs#DogsOfMastodon#mywork#myphoto

A black Labrador-Dachshund mix with a white chest patch sits in the grass and looks curiously into the camera. She is wearing a gray leather collar with a yellow plastic leash hanging from it.

Did using the leash come naturally to her, or did you have to train her? Mine is 8 months old and hates it.


his leash says “t potato” for unknown reasons so I call him T-Potat sometimes. Jakey Spuds is fantastic


Ugh... I don't know what happened, but my right shoulder is in pain.. I didn't pick anything up yesterday at work and I held my dog's leash in my left hand.. Took some Tylenol and some aspracream. Today is my Friday and I'm the only associate today. Gonna rest my arm as much as possible