My assistant #Pearly#RockGarden#CatSky#Caturday#gata 🌱🐈‍

A somewhat portly senior cat, black uppers, white bib, belly, front paws and much of back legs, is laying  partly on her side partly on her back on the ground. Her head is toward the camera, her body and rear legs stretched out away to the background. Her head and shoulders are down a slight incline on bare soil in the border of a rounded rock garden bed. Closer to the camera there are various mostly smooth rocks and several fairly low-growing plants, including one nearest the camera with fine stems and small pink flowers forming a mound. Outside the garden there is a mowed area with grass, dandelion and clover leaves etc. Pearly is laying in a patch of sunlight, behind her is a fairly distinct line of shadow.

David Zinn Art <<After a hearty breakfast of ticks and berries, Clem enjoys a good soak.>> #StreetArt#SidewalkChalk#RockGarden#possum#MorningRoutine#MineralBath

Zeichnung auf einem Stein am Wegrand, umrahmt von grünen Pflanzen.
Es sieht so aus, als ob ein mit Wasser gefülltes Loch im Stein wäre und darin ein Opossum genüsslich badet.

pics in collage main post: left top-bottom- 3 views of male flowers on willows; #Pollinators#bees#NativePlants#Wildflowers#RockGarden


#MosaicMonday is the ideal moment for the mosaic we ordered for our rockgarden to arrive in the mail. Just took a quick look and it looks nice. The design depicts a compass so one can aim it in the right directions, pointing north, south, east and west.


Guten Morgen! David Zinn Art <<Rusty lives at the bottom of a pile and the top of the world.>> #StreetArt#SidewalkChalk#RockGarden#tiger#cheerful#outlook

Zeichnung auf einem Stein am Wegrand. Mehrere grosse Steine sind daneben und darüber. Sie sind von Efeu überwachsen.
Die Zeichnung simuliert ein Fenster im Stein, mit Fenstersims. Ein kleiner Tiger schaut heraus.

ロックガーデン(御岳岩石) 昼食から時間が経っておやつ。 非常食に持って行ったんですけど、ちょっと食べてしまいました。 チョコレート・レーズン・柿の種・ビスケットのミックス。 我ながら美味しい組み合わせでした。 #ロックガーデン#御岳岩石園#おやつ#麦茶#ミステリーランチ#御岳山#rockgarden#mitakerockgarden#mitakesan#mugicha#mysteryranch