Star Forming Region S106 Source: nebula #strbirth#space #asronom #nasa hubble #sharplss210 #s106 #ifrared #emissionebula #reflectionebula #browdwarfs cygnus #heswan #starformation

A stunning image of the Sharpless 2-106 Nebula, also known as S106, illuminated by the massive star IRS 4 at its center. The nebula's hourglass shape is formed by a disk of dust and gas surrounding IRS 4. The gas closer to the star glows brightly as an emission nebula, while the dust further away reflects light and appears as a reflection nebula. Hundreds of brown dwarfs are hidden within the nebula's gas.

W5: The Soul Nebula Source: #SouNebula #Westrhot5 #W5 #StrBirth #CosicDust #ebulas #Astrophotgraphy#Space #Asronomy #DepSpace #StarCusters #Casiopeia #HearNebula #IC1805

A colorful composite image of the Soul Nebula (W5) in Cassiopeia. The nebula, also known as the "Soul of the Queen of Aethopia", is home to several open star clusters, dark ridges and pillars, and vast bubbles sculpted by stellar winds. Located about 6,500 light years away, this nebula spans about 100 light years.

Dust Pillar of the Carina Nebula Source: #space #asronomy nebula carina #strbirth hubbl #nasa #cience #uiverse #eepsky #herbg-haro #stelarjets cosmic #intertellar #starfomation #spaceexplration #cosmology

A close-up of a pillar of gas and dust in the Carina Nebula being eroded by a star within it.  The star, not visible in the image, is creating powerful jets of particles that are sculpting the pillar.  Over time, the star will completely destroy the pillar, but will also lead to the creation of a new open cluster of stars.  The image is a small portion of a larger mosaic taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Star-Forming Eagle Nebula without Stars Source: #EaglNebua #M16 #StarFomation Nebula#Space #Asronomy #Astrophotgraphy Cosmic #DepSpace #Uiverse #erpens #Starluster #Hdrogen Oxygen #EmissioNebula #PillarsOfCeation #Starbirth

A stunning image of the Eagle Nebula (M16), a star-forming region about 6,500 light-years away. The image highlights the bright region in the center of the nebula, revealing a window into the center of a larger dark shell of dust. This region shows an open cluster of stars forming within a cavity, with tall pillars and round globules of dark dust and cold molecular gas remaining, where stars are still forming. The stars have been digitally removed to better showcase the factory of star formation. The image was created with over 22 hours of imaging and combines colors emitted specifically by hydrogen (red) and oxygen (blue).

Inside the Eagle Nebula Source: #EaglNebua #M16 #StrBirth Nebula#Space #Asronomy #Comology#Stars Galaxy #DepSpac #NASA #SpacePhotgraphy #Starluster #KttPeak #erpens #EmissionNebula

A vibrant, multi-colored image of the Eagle Nebula, M16, revealing a star-forming region within a larger dark shell of dust. The bright center, illuminated by young blue stars, shows tall pillars and globules of gas and dust where new stars are forming. This image was taken with the 0.9-meter telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA.

Orion Nebula in Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Sulfur Source: #OrioNebula #Stellarursery #InterstellrCloud #StrBirth #AstroPhotgraphy#Space #Astrophotgraphy #Comology Galaxy #cience Nebula #DepSpace #Universe

A vibrant image of the Orion Nebula, a stellar nursery where hot young stars are born amidst glowing gas and filamentary shock waves. The image showcases the nebula's intricate structures, captured in three colors representing hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur gas. The Orion Nebula spans about 40 light years and is located about 1500 light years away.

Spitzer's Orion Source: #OrioNebula #SpitzerSpaceTeescope #Stellarursery #StrBirth #InfraredAsronomy #CosmiWonder #SpaceExplration #Astrohysics Galaxy #TrapeziumCluster

A false-color infrared image of the Orion Nebula, a region of star formation about 1,500 light-years away. The image was captured by the Spitzer Space Telescope and shows the Trapezium Cluster, a group of hot, young stars, as well as the dusty disks around other young stars, where planets are forming.

Dust Clouds of the Pacman Nebula Source: #asronomy#space nebula#stars #strbirth #glactic #comicart #pacmannebula ngc281 ic1590 #boklobule #casiopeia #eepsky #astrophotgraphy #spaceexploration

A colorful emission nebula called NGC 281, nicknamed the Pacman Nebula, is illuminated by the newly forming star cluster IC 1590.  The dark, dense dust cloud in the upper left is classified as a Bok Globule, and it may collapse to form a new star. The bright red glow is caused by hydrogen gas being excited by nearby stars, while the dark nebula is sculpted by high energy light and fast stellar winds.  The Pacman Nebula is located 10,000 light years away toward the constellation Cassiopeia.

Cosmic Construction Zone RCW 49 Source: #space #asronomy nebula #strbirth #starfomation#RCW49 #pitzer #ifrare #nasa cosmos #uiverse galaxy#stars #lanets #protoplanetarydiscs

A false-color infrared image of the nebula RCW 49, taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope. The image shows a large cloud of gas and dust, with a cluster of hot stars at the center. The nebula is a star-forming region, and the image reveals over 300 newborn stars scattered throughout the dust clouds and filaments. Some of these stars are surrounded by protoplanetary discs, suggesting that planet formation is a common occurrence in star-forming regions.

M16: Inside the Eagle Nebula Source: #EaglNebua #M16 #StrBirth#Space #Astrophotgraphy Nebula #DepSpace Cosmos #Asronomy Galaxy #Uiverse #cienc #NASA #SpaceExplration #Stagazing #NghtSky #Comology #Astrophysics

A stunning image of the Eagle Nebula, also known as Messier 16, showing a bright region with a cluster of stars being formed. The image is a combination of three colors emitted by sulfur (red), hydrogen (yellow), and oxygen (blue), creating vibrant colors throughout the nebula.  The Eagle Nebula is located about 6500 light-years away in the constellation Serpens.