J'espère que vous êtes conscient de l'ironie de mon propos déplorant cette tendance médiatique (voulue ou non) à aborder les effets de changements climatiques dans les seuls termes "parlant aux masses" : nombrils & pognon perdus :) (D'où, logique, le renvoi au 2nd plan de IPBES crise biotique etc.)


Call for Fellows! 🚨 ‌

An aerial image shows a landscape divided between lush green forest on the right and patchy agricultural land on the left. The road between the two areas runs vertically through the image. The text reads: "Call for Fellows: IPBES #SpatialPlanningAssessment. Deadline: 10 January 2025." The IPBES logo appears in the upper-right corner.

Oh, this participant is really not going to like Chapter 4 (barriers to transformative change and how to overcome them) of the upcoming IPBES Transformative Change Assessment…(approval plenary in December). Buddy, science is a manifestation of particular social structures/histories.


Let's empower and educate future leaders to act

Image: Close-up photo of three young women working in a garden.
Text overlay: "DID YOU KNOW? Approximately 40.6% of the world's population is under 24 years old."

Bottom text: "Our World in Data"

Top right corner: IPBES logo.

An appetizer for the upcoming IPBES Assessment Report on the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity (known as the “Transformative Change Report”).


🚨 Call for Nominations! 🚨 ‌

An aerial landscape showing lush green fields, waterways, and a road cutting through a forest. The text on the image reads: 'Call for Nominations - IPBES Spatial Planning Assessment. Deadline: 24 January 2025.' The IPBES logo is displayed in the top-right corner.

Cooler Artikel. Ich find nich gut, dass Klima als "artfremd" genannt ist, wofür Naturschutz-NGO besser keine Ressourcen mehr verschwenden sollten. Die Trennung bisher war mMn ein Fehler. Sieht man ja: BioD kommt in Medien 0 vor, leidet aber sehr in🌡️🌧️. Auch IPBES und IPCC arbeiten nun ja zusammen.


The number of times I have seen someone try to trot that out as a credential… And let me tell you, as someone who has had to answer those review questions, literally ANYONE can review and some of the comments show it. E.g. Malthusians, despite evidence, always turn up. Same for IPBES, btw.