Cry You’re human too Who can Dwell on it forever Pretending to be perfect Tell your grieving soul How cold the world you inhabit is If there’s nowhere for you to return Bring your wounds, let time heal them. #unsentwordstoher

a woman laying on a wooden floor with her hair covering her face
a woman laying on a wooden floor with her hair covering her face

ALT: a woman laying on a wooden floor with her hair covering her face


Lucanis, who has learned how to remain focused and keep his hands steady when treating wounds, shaking when he needs to try to estabilize a heavily wounded Rook


Faketober Day 3 (Golem) - MEATBALT (Fighting/Ghost) "Its body is an amalgamation of flesh and muscle held together by bolts and staples. The thick layers of meat that form its body are so dense they can withstand bullets without sustaining any major wounds."


It's not NOT a romance.

A graphic with the book cover Dead Girls Don't Dream by Nino Cipri laid over an image of the sky at night, with stars and a full moon above dark trees. There are groups of texts with arrows pointing at the book. The text says: 
Meet ugly (after getting murdered). 
Sharing clothing (to hide your hideous and impossible wounds).
Fun first dates (breaking and entering).
Nerd for nerd (infodumping about weird TV and cryptids).
Woundcare (stapling your crush shut).

he'd survived some ridiculous number of previous traumas, I think he had scars from gunshot wounds and such, only to die from a single blow from a 2x4 to the head the physician looked over his body repeatedly trying to find evidence of other trauma because he couldn't believe that was it


Soldiers with severe injuries, including pulverised bones and gunshot wounds, have been treated at these recovery facilities. Many of these soldiers are determined to return to the front lines as soon as possible to help stop the russian advance. #SlavaUkraï 🎁 📧

In recovery centers, Ukrainian soldiers work to get back to the fight
In recovery centers, Ukrainian soldiers work to get back to the fight

Soldiers with pulverized bones and gunshot wounds have come through these facilities, with many focused on getting back to the front to stop the Russian advance.


The “gateless gate” of Zen and the “healing wounds of Christ” both encourage us to detach ourselves from the past and trust in the glory to which we are called.

Detach from the Past - Henri Nouwen
Detach from the Past - Henri Nouwen

I am increasingly convinced that it is possible to live the wounds of the past not as gaping abysses that


Knee is doing a lil bit better today which is good but also it’s not 100% healed which is well not bad (it’s normal) But body it’s the weekend I have stuff to do let’s hurry this up ok! Where is my cure wounds where is my cure 1??


(I mean. Obviously the text also has an enormous quantity of strangeness due to being a queer fantasy romance where people can shapeshift and survive fatal wounds, lol. But I want it to feel just a bit not-at-home-in-English, too.)