22 followers109 following157 posts
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When Jeff Flake was in the Senate he was one of the 2 or 3 most conservative members. This is quite something.

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PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies
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Scotland has detected no cases of cervical cancer in women born between 1988-1996 who were fully vaccinated against HPV between the ages of 12 and 13. Vaccines are incredible.

HPV vaccine study finds zero cases of cervical cancer among women vaccinated before age 14
HPV vaccine study finds zero cases of cervical cancer among women vaccinated before age 14

In a large Scottish study, no cases of cervical cancer were found among women who received HPV vaccines before they turned 14.


"The selfish gourmet (which gourmet is not selfish?) almost wonders whether the abolition of slavery was a well-advised measure in modern social and economic life." I guess that makes this 'almost' wonderment 'almost' reprehensible.


"Hence we moderns with a craving for gourmandise but minus appropriations for skilled labor would do well to follow the example of Alexandre Dumas who cheerfully and successfully attended to his own cuisine." IOW: Cook, and appreciate how much work it is. Immediately preceding the first excerpt:


Above excerpt is from an English translation of Apicus' "Cookery and Dining in Ancient Rome" Call out to who added the reference to her "marmalada" sandwich piece. (I read the fish and veggie entries but gloss the rest bc I'm intolerant, I guess) It's immediately followed by


'Few people appreciate the labor cost in excellent cookery and few have any conception of the cost of good food service today. Yet all demand both, when ā€œdining out,ā€ at least. Who, on the other hand, but a brute would care to dine well, ā€œtaking it out of the hide of others?"' B kind when you dine


3/5 so far. But the day is only half over. Farmers Market will checkoff the rest, I'm sure. I hope yours will be that good or better


Ok, I'll admit there's one more job I admit AI should replace.

22 followers109 following157 posts