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Gayle J. Greenlea
American-Australian poet, novelist, muso, counselor for survivors of sexual & gender violence. Black Bough Poetry, Fevers of the Mind, Ice Floe Press, SAR, Kalonopia, Headline Poetry & Press, Rebelle, Wombwell Rainbow. #BLM #LGBTQIA #Climate #Disability
2.2k followers5.2k following1.1k posts

“About suffering they were never wrong, The Old Masters… In Brueghel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Quite leisurely from the disaster… the forsaken cry… white legs disappearing into the green Water…”

Brueghel’s Icarus: a ploughman, shepherd and ship glide mildly by in a lush pastoral scene as the miraculous boy’s fall from the sky goes unnoticed, and his legs slide, unobserved, into the sea. Title: W.H. Auden, Musee Des Beaux Arts
Reposted by Gayle J. Greenlea

#OwlishMonday 🎨Silver tetradrachm coin -circa 480–420 BC, Museum of Fine Art of Lyon


"The notion that Donald Trump’s supporters believe that he should be able to overthrow the government and get away with it sounds like hyperbole," Adam Serwer writes. Except that's exactly what his attorney argued before the Supreme Court. - The Atlantic

The Trumpification of the Supreme Court
The Trumpification of the Supreme Court

The conservative justices have shown they are ready to sacrifice any law or principle to save the former president.

Reposted by Gayle J. Greenlea

They reprogrammed a 47-year-old computer system with 68k of memory across a 22+ hour lag

Reposted by Gayle J. Greenlea

OUR BELOVED STARCHILD "For the first time since November, NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft is returning usable data about the health and status of its onboard engineering systems. The next step is to enable the spacecraft to begin returning science data again."

Reposted by Gayle J. Greenlea

Voyager 1 lives!

Reposted by Gayle J. Greenlea

NEW: NY Courts to publish daily transcripts of Trump trial (via Frank G. Runyeon, Law360) Transcripts will be here, when released:

New York Courts to Publish Daily Transcripts of Trump Trial
NEW YORK-With opening statements starting today in the historic trial The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump (# 71543/2023), Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas and First Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Norman St. George announced that trial transcripts will be available to the public on the court system's website at The court system is taking the novel step of posting the daily transcripts of the trial proceedings on its public website-which falls in line with its landmark innovations to publish online the court's filings and decisions, as well as the case exhibits-to ensure broad and continuous public access to this extraordinarily high-profile case. A certified transcript of each day's trial proceeding will be posted online and publicly available before the end of the next business day.
Reposted by Gayle J. Greenlea
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Gayle J. Greenlea
American-Australian poet, novelist, muso, counselor for survivors of sexual & gender violence. Black Bough Poetry, Fevers of the Mind, Ice Floe Press, SAR, Kalonopia, Headline Poetry & Press, Rebelle, Wombwell Rainbow. #BLM #LGBTQIA #Climate #Disability
2.2k followers5.2k following1.1k posts