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John Scalzi
I enjoy pie.
99.2k followers523 following11k posts

I really like how Ted Chiang has become the nation's resident Explainer Of That Whole AI Thing. He's the right person for the job: Extremely smart, works in tech, is not impressed by jargon and despite having the brain that created the truly alien aliens of Arrival, seems to be comfortably pro-human


Wow, TIL

Passage from Ted Chiang’s Wikipedia entry:

Personal life

As of 2016, Chiang lives in Bellevue, Washington with his long-time partner, Marcia Glover, who he met while both were working at Microsoft. She worked as an interface designer and then photographer. Chiang goes to the gym three times per week and enjoys video games.

Recently one of my city's official pages posted on FB a well-intentioned post about fears of jobs being taken by A.I. and listed off some things that I can't remember right now, but to which I had to comment that none of them were actually A.I., just automation. Many don't understand the difference.


Bah, I thought that was a vacant position 😡


I think a better term for it would be, applied compute. We're applied compute too. Just a lot more complicated & intricate. People are overlooking a profound lesson from the rise of these large models; sufficiently large systems lead to increasingly unexpected emergent properties/behaviors.


This is a weird year to have got around to reading the Lifecycle of Software Objects

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John Scalzi
I enjoy pie.
99.2k followers523 following11k posts