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Tim Maughan
should be writing a second novel altho I smoke a pound of herb/im still nice with the verb/so fuck what you heard
1.2k followers325 following1k posts
Reposted by Tim Maughan

Man, this probably hits really hard if you're fuckin stupid.

daniellamyoung_3h  Unpopular opinion: you only hate chat gpt because  it makes it harder to stack rank and discriminate  against people.  So what everyone can write well now? great it's a  tool! Just like moving faster because you drive a  car.  
The good news is you'll be easily able to hire for  that writing job you need. The bad news is you  won't be able to discriminate against candidates  who are not as good with the written word  
Also, an obsession with the written word is a tenant  of white supremacy
Reposted by Tim Maughan

Remember that when politicians handwring and aw shucks about the billions and billions it's going to cost to begin cleaning up and repairing this one storm's damage, there has been no question of the billions and billions available to fund Israel's genocidal campaigns.

Reposted by Tim Maughan

OK that's pretty good

NY post cover about Eric Adams says Grand Theft Ottoman

“I am in awe at the sheer number of GPUs”

Reposted by Tim Maughan

haha he blocked me. everything about this guy is sus. many good folks on here following and agreeing with him might want to check out who he is ;) for instance, he writes about "AIQ", which combines not one, but *two* problematic concepts! check it out for yourself!


This guy called me racist earlier for calling him out. Did not know he was a POC. I assumed he was white, which was fully my bad It’s just that I associate being a lobbyist, genocide denial, and boosting AI investment scams with very white corpo motherfuckers and I accept I need to work on that

Reposted by Tim Maughan

If you're upset by art not being damaged in protest against climate change, I can only imagine how furious you'll be at the actual damage to art caused by climate change.

Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News
Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News

The Rothko Chapel, which features murals by painter Mark Rothko, will close after sustaining damage during Hurricane Beryl.

Reposted by Tim Maughan

Here's a direct link to the open access version:

Reposted by Tim Maughan


Publishers Marketplace deal report 
Category non-fiction science/technology September 26, 2024 

Luxury Surveillance by Chris Gilliard 
Imprint: MIT Press

The Atlantic and Wired contributor Chris Gilliard’s LUXURY SURVEILLANCE: HOW BIG TECH SELLS US THE PLEASURE OF BEING WATCHED, a first-person investigation into the proliferation of consumer surveillance technology and its implications for individuals and communities, to Gita Devi Manaktala at MIT Press, by Michael Signorelli at Aevitas Creative Management (NA).
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Tim Maughan
should be writing a second novel altho I smoke a pound of herb/im still nice with the verb/so fuck what you heard
1.2k followers325 following1k posts