The only message sent is did Harris load the USSC w corrupt far right Justices who took away your God-given right to self-determination, or did Trump load the USSC with corrupt far-right justices and brag abt taking away women's rights as FULL citizens of this nation? He is not finished, ladies!


The FEC defines illegal coordination as actions where the campaign and the Super PAC work together on advertising, messaging, or strategy. Even the USSC, in Citzens United, upheld the prohibition on coordination, making it clear that independent expenditures must remain separate from the candidate.


Presumably the USSC is limber enough to find a “racially neutral” Trump executive order under the Alien Enemies Act to be within his official duties, constitutional, and could probably throw in a “if Congress didn’t want the AEA to be used, they should have revoked it.”


History may have “overruled” Korematsu (as CJ Robert’s said),but the USSC did not (US vs Hawaii.) /*


And that's well-established, the majority was Brennan/Marshall/Blackmun/Powell/Stevens. You'd need another USSC decision explicitly reversing it.

Access to Education - Rule of Law
Access to Education - Rule of Law


u.a. wenn er zu mehr als sechs Monaten Freiheitsstrafe verurteilt wurde oder sich grob pflichtwidrig verhalten hat. Unter letzteres kann man auch verfassungsfeindliches Verhalten subsumieren. Außerdem ist die Amtszeit anders als beim USSC begrenzt auf zwölf Jahre. 3/3


My own sense is that the USSC is basically one Dred Scott after another since the founding, and that all the moral authority it had in the modern era was banked by the Warren court. They've now spent it down like a PE firm raiding a pension fund.


Even though the news is depressing (fuck the GA SC and the USSC) there was one case the SC turned down that made me smile: "WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from Martin Shkreli, who was once dubbed “Pharma Bro” after jacking up the price of a lifesaving drug." It […]


Article II "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors". USSC had to strip jurisdiction from the Florida SC and legislature so they could pick the outcome.


Awww yeah! Hybrid Cube-Root Wyoming Rule apportionment in the house, 3 Sens/State, 3 USSC Justices per Circuit w/ panels shy of full court for most cases, robust VRA including funding for states to follow/staff up for the rules, binding statehood res for all remaining territories + DC. IMO.