Metalhead, developer, parent, gamer...the order of which is fluid...except for the metal. He/him/they, cis @Gwunhar from twitter
226 followers210 following2k posts

with luck this will crap on the downballot GOPers, though

Reposted by Mardoch

I don't want to put too fine a point on this but this was how Jim Crow was upheld. If you were a white person who thought it was a dumb system and did things that let others know that you might find a bomb in your house or in your car.

Reposted by Mardoch

At some point, when things have cooled down, maybe in a longer, more nuanced format than social media, we need to finally have the discussion that it is in fact people without children who spend a lot of time looking at and listening to their friends *with* children and thinking "This is deranged."

Reposted by Mardoch

The EPA inadvertently forgot to mention that an approved jet fuel plastic causes cancer in 1 out of every 4 people exposed to it & also forgot to note an approved marine fuel plastic causes cancer in 100% of people exposed to it until the newspapers found out

EPA Says It Plans to Withdraw Approval for Chevron’s Plastic-Based Fuels That Are Likely to Cause Cancer
EPA Says It Plans to Withdraw Approval for Chevron’s Plastic-Based Fuels That Are Likely to Cause Cancer

The decision comes after a ProPublica investigation revealed that the EPA had found that one of the fuels had a cancer risk more than 1 million times higher than the agency usually considers acceptabl...


probably so, but man this situation super sucks!

Reposted by Mardoch

the same way it worked for gay people and later gay marriage - so many folks think “it’s weird” until it’s someone they know and care for and it’s why the bigots are so determined to drive trans people out of public life, so nobody has a chance to come to that realization

Reposted by Mardoch

This is the fundamental paradox of AI: if it's actually helping you, there is no way to know when it is no longer helping you. Put another way: if you can supervise it effectively enough to catch its mistakes, you probably didn't need it in the first place.

Metalhead, developer, parent, gamer...the order of which is fluid...except for the metal. He/him/they, cis @Gwunhar from twitter
226 followers210 following2k posts